
THE Secretary of the United States, for the Department of War, having been ordered by Congress, "to devise a plan for the general regulation of the Militia of the United States, in such manner, as to render it most respectful, and least expensive to the respective states, in order o ground thereon, a recommendation relative to this subject, to the several states." Reports: That he has considered as extensively, and as maturely as his abilities would admit, the necessity and importance of a national militia. That the various views he has taken of this subject have convinced him, that a proper arrangement of the militia may be regarded as the foundation of the future glory and power of the United State. Acting under this impression, he has been anxious to bring forward an institution to form the manners and habits of the youth, on principles of true republican magnanimity. And also, to erect on the power, inherent in the people, a durable edifice of national greatness. Sen-

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