


Accountants Office Aug. 10. 1795

I Certify that there is due to Major John Jacob Ulrich Rivardi, the Sum of three hundred forty three Dollars and fifty Cents, the Balance of his Account for compensation from the 28th, March 1794 to the 7 Apr. 1795 inclusive and for his personal and extra Expences from the 28 March 1794 to the 23 July 1795 incl. as temporary Engineer.

Wm. Simmons Acct.

Doll. 343 50/100 The Secy of War.

Department of War. Accountanct's Office Aug. 10, 1795

I Certify that there is due to Jacob Woolwine a Serjeant in Capt Alexander [undecipherable] Company 4th Sub Log. the Sum of forty two Dollars and forty six Cents being for his Pay from the 1st Jany to the 2nd July 1795 inclusive being the Expiration of this Service, which from is to be transmitted to Edward Carrington Supervisor of the Revenue at Richmond Virginia and by the said Edw. Carrington to be transmitted to Capt. Alexander Gibson at [undecipherable] who is to be held accountable for the Payment therefor the said Jacob Woolwine.

Wm Simmons Acct.

Doll. 42 46/100 The Secy of War.

Department of War Accountant's Office Aug. 10th, 1795

I Certify that there is due to Jonathan Robeson Lieut in the Corps of Artillerists and Engineers, the Sum of two hundred & eight Dollars being for his Pay from 1st Dec. 1794 to 31st July 1795 incl. which Sum is payable to Capt. G. I. McRee, his assignee.