
The United States in Account with James Hamilton Sen Forge late 6th Reg South Carolina

For his pay from the 2nd June 1777 to the 1st June 1778--12 Months @ 8 drs. per Month.........96.00 For his pay from 1st June 1778 to the 1781--37 Months @ 10 drs. per Month........370.00


Exchange July 1st 1781


The Auditor of the Treasury--

By normal pay recre in the year 1777 of the State of South Carolina 96 83/100 dollars @ 1 71/100 for acce....................56 62 By normal pay rece. in the year 1778--166 drs. @ 3 62/100 for owe..........................................45 85 By normal pay rece. of the United States from 1st March 1779 to 1st Feby 80 11 Mos. @ 10 drs. per month...................110 00 By normal pay rec. added of the State from 1st Sep. 79 to 1st Feby 1780--5 Mos @ 10 drs per month................................50 00


@ 16 78/100 for owe..........................11 18 By Balance to be Certified on Interest from 1st July 1781.......................................352 35

                                           Dolls.......466 00

War Department Accountants Office March 25th 1794

Settled under Act of Congress of the United States passed 27th March 92--

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