Account of Elijah McGuire: Page #1 Original title: 1794/cdc16_2.jpg Protection: Open to all Expiration: Never Status: In progress Mark this revision as complete Cancel Account of Elijah McGuire: Page #1 Go full screenExit full screen Layout Reset The United States in account with Elijah McGuire 1st Serg. late 3rd, Reg So. Carolina For his pay as Private from June 1777 to Dec. 1779 30 months @ 6 2/3 dollars a month 200 - his ditto as Sergeant from 1st Dec. 79 to 1st July 1781 19 months @10 drs a month 190 - Dolls 390 - Mote. the 1st July 1781 was the day of the general exchange - Jo Howelle The auditor of the treasury By nominal pay rece. of the state of South Carolina for 7 months in 1999-87 50/100 dollars @ 72/100 for one 50.87 ditto of do for gawg July 79 25 ditto of the United States from 1st March 1779 to 1st July 80 11 mar. @ 6 2/3 & 10 drs mo. {curly brackets} 80 ditto add, of the state from 1st Sep. 79 to 1st Feb. 80-5 mos. @ 6 g 10 drs a mo. {curly brackets} 38/143 @16 78/100 for one 8.52 By balance to be bertefiect owe interest from the 1st July 1781 289.18 Dotts 390 - War Department Accountants office March 24th 1794 March 1792