Outlines Trade Tips with Indians; List of Items in Need by Creeks: Page #5
Original title: xfu/XFU16005.jpg

It is equally clear that a regular supply of Groceries and other articles suitable for the Demand could be sold for a Considerate profit & should be embraced in aid of Contingencies no part of this would mititate against the [undecipherable] of the establishment, As the Articles should be exchanged, for homespun, made after a patron furnished by the [undecipherable] or for money --
5th. Kind treatment to Indians [undecipherable] Rule Addopted in this all hunting parties of good [undecipherable] characters have a ticket to entitle them to the Attention of the Public Offices and when they visit the post the principal Chiefs are invited to dine and sometimes they receive a bag of corn or meal for the path home - Every Chief possessing such a ticket and his party find it incumbent on them to take care of these Character.
Persons who have been injured on the frontier, or who come on Public [undecipherable] are particularly attended to. Others who come [undecipherable] left to make their trade, and return without any particular Attention being paid them. --
The former practice was different when the Creeks paid visits they were feasted very indiscriminately & of course a crowds alway attended of the Idle & worthless, who would get drunk whenever they had an opportunity and Extremely rude. I believe it would be [undecipherable] to keep in the store a constant supply of meal or flour and supply all applications for pay.
6th Supplying the Indians with rum--
Their desire for strong drink cannot be overcome by any present or future [undecipherable] advantage. This wil has [undecipherable] occupied much of my attention [hole in paper] [undecipherable] my being Able to do more than Modify it. The Indians have been prevaildon by me to drink at home in their public squares and not on their visits as their friends are Always present to prevent Mischief and when abroad and Drunk they are Apt to involve themselves and often their [undecipherable]innocent relations in difficulties If we had the entire direction of Indian Affairs [undecipherable] the Evil would be Choked Effectually.
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