
                                                                                                         Albany 25 September 1800

Dear Sir,

  On my return here, when I arrived last Friday, I recieved a letter from _____ french men who say they are prisoners of war confined in the goal of the city of  New York -- they complain of being unprovided in clothing and of being improperly treated --  as I can depend on your [punctuality] I must request the favor of you to inform these prisoners ___I have or received these letters, but that having no authority to  ______ to  (interfere?) with Prisoners of War, I have transmitted their letter to the Secretary of War.   [Be?] pleased to explain to them the [propriety] of this measure -- I hope their complaints of inproper treatment? are not well founded; and I think the sheriff would do well to converse with them on the subject, and to correct whatever he may find amiss in their treatment.

The honorable Richard Varrick Esquire Mayor to the City of New York

                                                                                                    Albany 25 September 1800


  The enclosed letter which answered here during my _____absence is from [unknown?] frenchmen confined in the goal of the City of New York, and whosay they are prosioners of war. Having no authority to give any _____ respecting them I think it my duty to transmit thier letter to you, that such measures may be taken as circumstances may require
                             I have the Honor [to do?] with great respect _____
                            ___ your most obedient servant

The honorable Samuel Dexter Esquire Secretary of war

[No notes yet.]