Certification of payment; Private John Leazy, Captain James Taylors troop of Light Dragoons: Page #1
Original title: 1letterbook/DQJ01_228.jpg

Accountants Office August 29' 1800
I Ceritfy that there is due to John Seull
Privater the sum total of Forty five dollars being the amount
of his account for printing proposals for the supply of
rations in the Pittsburg Gazzette, agreeably to the directions
of the Sec of War, which sum is payable to [undecipherable] [undecipherable]
& order
W. S.
Doll 45.
The Sec of War
August 30 1800
I Certify that there is [undecipherable] to John Leazy
late a Private in Cap. James Taylors' Troop of Light Dragoon
the sum of sixty six dollars & 71/100 being for his [undecipherable]
from 1 June 1796. The day he was last paid to by the
Pay master, to 21 October 1797, une: the day his term of
service expired
Doll 66. 71.
The Sec of War