Torrent of Devastation and Massacre: Page #2
Original title: 1799/WAH12_2.jpg

Major Abner Hammond who is at present in the Creek Towns by con- sent of Mr. Hawkins to collect the property of a deceased partner, and from which I am happy to ocserve that matters wear a more favourable aspct than Mythologies talk seemed calculated to impress. It will however be still necessary to be prepared for should hostilities be resolved on by them, they will pour on these fronteirs a torrent of devastation and massacre which will require all our vigilance as well as force to resist.
I have the honour to be Sir, with respect Your obet Svt. Jas Jackson
Honorable James McHenry Secretary of War
Executive Department Lousville, Monday, 15ht July 1799. On return of nominations from the County of Oglethorpe.
General Orders Job Cohorn Gentleman is appointed Lieutenant and Robert Colquette Gentleman Ensidn of the Company in the place of Lietenant Smith and Ensign Wise resigned and John Mitchell.