Torrent of Devastation and Massacre: Page #1
Original title: 1799/WAH12_1.jpg

On an application from Thomas Carr Esquire Attorney for Richard Randolph it is
Ordered That in or before the first Monday in August next the parties in the appeal Robert Randolph [?] William Smith when cause if any they have why a day should not then be appointed for the trial of the said Appeal.
The following letter was written Executive Department Georgia Lousville, July 14th, 1799
Sir, I did myself the pleasure of addressing you by the last post, and of enclosing you Copies of a talk from a Creek Chief to Mr. Seagrove and his answer thereto.
Thinking it important that you should have the earliest information from every quarter respecting the temper and intentions of that Nation, I now inclose you an extract of a letter from