Notes for Chickasaw chief's response to white encroachment: Page #2
Original title: 1797/bri06_2.jpg

Talk of the Chickasaw Chiefs at the Bluff represented by Wolf's Friend Ugalaycabe to Commander {Balsshase*}
Brother I was in the time of the English a chief of my nation and leader amongst the warriors and since then confirmed by the badge I new wear given me by the Spaniards, who when they became our friends promised us a steady support and protection in every emergency. We accepted the proffered boon and preferred the {illegible} you held out to the illusory presents of the Americans which unhappily blinds too many of my color. Notwithstanding that they endeavored to destroy you in our opinion the example of those rations protected by you was felt by us, and the {illegible} of those who had allowed themselves to be dissuaded by prodigality of the Americans would not be concealed from our observation. We would perceive in them the cunning of the Rattlesnake who caresses the squirrel he intends to devour, and in you the friends of the Red man and their interests.
Brother, now that we know your worth, now that our eyes are open and {illegible} in the fullness of one confidence we have received you in our breasts, and have given you to build a fort a tract of land which we had received from our Father and had sworn to them to preserve in the State which this matter of health had given it to the son, and to preserve which we have shed our bloods against the French, which we refused often to the English