Regarding proof of payroll fraud: Page #1
Original title: 1797/brf11_1.jpg

War Office May 18th 1797
I received your letter of the 27 of April Ult. with the several papers to which it refers.
You state that Captain Gillespie has been in the practice of mustering a greater number of men than did duty, with a view of drawing pay for the whole and dividing it among the few who rendered actual service, and that you understood that those who staid [stayed] at home gave powers of Attorney to those who performed service to draw this pay. It appears proper and necefsary [necessary] that this charge against the Officer should be substantiated by direct and positive proof to justify the withholding the pay from the men who were mustered and rendered no service and as a basis of his Conviction. You will take the advice of a Lawyer as to the course to be pursued to substantiate the facts. In the mean while you will cause to be paid such of the men as have been mustered and have rendered actual service. I shall endeavour to procure a qualified person to fill the place of Deputy Paymaster and Storekeeper. With respect to W. Hillis as you consider his services efsential [essential] to the settlement of your accounts and vouch for his sobriety and attention to businefs [business] I consent to his being retained for the above purposes on the Salary he was to have received as Deputy Paymaster. I expect that all pofsible [possible] diligence will be used to accomplish the final adjustment of your accounts, and if your presence should be necefsary at Philadelphia that you will repair hither as soon as the situation of things in Tenefsee [Tennessee] will permit. The Accountant informs me that your Vouchers which are