

was adopted in an Indian family, and continued with them until the 1. April last, when he was purchased by McKee who keeps a public store at the falls or rapids of the Miami of the Lakes and sent to Niagara. Murrey informs that Colonel Simcoe had marked out the fort at the rapids of the Miami and five companies of men a number of cannon [undecipherable] arrived a few days before he left--the rapids. he came in a vessel with Colonel Simcoe from the rapids to Fort Erie. Colonel Simcoe left Niagara in March for Detroit; before his departure he declared that war was inevitable -- since his return he says he hopes for peace.

Rapids of Miami are seventy miles from Detroit -- eighteen from Lake. Erie - 40 m. from Sandusky!

It it however of very great importance that the six Nations should not be misled into hostilities against us from any pretext whatever you are therefore upon all occasions to endeavor to conciliate them to the United States -- and in order to assist you in so desirable a purpose, the goods of which the list is herein enclosed are forwarded.

The rules heretofore prescribed for the delivery of Indian goods and presents must be rigidly observed and you ought and doubtless do frequently reflect that no operation whatever is which public property is concerned is of a more delicate nature than the distribution of Indian goods and of course that nothing ought to be more obvious than a most perfect integrity in such transactions. The purity of the Agents character ought to be unsullied as a Virgins and like hers a spot or a speck may ruin it forever. Proofs in either case will not be required_strong presumption arising from collateral circumstances will be -- suffiicient