Funds for the Recruiting Service of New York: Page #14
Original title: 1letterbook/YGA01_141.jpg

401 sums not accounted for in consequence (as is afserted [asserted]) of the lofs [loss] of vouchers, I have been under the necefsity [necessity] of appealing to the Muster rolls and inform myself of the number of Men enlisted in his Regiment for three years and during the War. On a strict examination of the Musters it appears there were 561 Men enlisted in 1776 and 1777. 61 Men in 1778. 23 in 1779 and 11 in 1780, throwing aside those of 1779 and 1780 (because in those years the bounty was increased) and taking those of 76-77 and 78, the bounty of 20 dollars to 622 Men will amount to 12,440 dollars, from which deduct the above mentioned sums 1300 leaves 11,140 dollars of which he received of the State of New York 10,000 dollars (which has been accounted for) still leaving a balance apparently due the Colonel of 1140 dollars, without taking into view the subsisting of the Officers and men while recruiting which would amount to a considerable sum. I have therefore considered Col. Dubois as exonerated from those charges. There appears a further charge against