Notes for Funds for the Recruiting Service of New York: Page #10 Original title: 1letterbook/YGA01_137.jpg Cancel Reset Transcription 137 W. D. Accountants Office May 30th, 1794 Sir The Secretary of War has directed a remittance to you of Sixty dollars being for those months of your pay in advance which you will receive through the hands of George Clymer Esq. Supervisor and for which you will transmit him duplicate receipts. I am Sir etc Joseph Howell Ensign Robt. Semple and Ensign Charles Martin Carlisle, Pennsly'a W.D. Accountants Office May 31st 1794 Sir The acts of Congrefs [Congress] at the period of your service do not contemplate such an Officer as an Adjutant General; the necefsity [necessity] however of such an Officer is proved by your appointment and the recognisance therof by the Secretary of War and the appropriation of Congrefs [Congress] for your Notes are a workspace where project participants can keep ideas and observations regarding the transcription of the page. When contributing to the notes, it is encouraged to include the user and timestamp.