Funds for the Recruiting Service of New York: Page #6
Original title: 1letterbook/YGA01_133.jpg

133 of Virginia in 1793, this unfortunately was a mistake with me and was occassioned by hurry of business. Your letter of the 21st Inst. has enabled me to put the matter in its proper channel - the treasurer of the UStates was directed to remit you the sum of three thousand nine hundred and fifty seven dollars 57 Cents, to be paid to the Treasurer for the purpose above mentioned. The warrant was sent to the Treasurer of the United States and the draft by him transmitted one post sooner then I could prepare the business for the Auditor of your State and in the flow of business I neglected to inform you of the transmission - however you will now please pay the amount to the Treasurer of the State of Virginia and take his receipts as usual and transmit one of them to
Edwd. Carrington Esqr. Supervisor - Virginia
Sir your Obt. Servt. Joseph Howell
W.D. Accountants Office May 27th 1794
Sir The Treasurer of the United States