Notes for Funds for the Recruiting Service of New York: Page #5 Original title: 1letterbook/YGA01_132.jpg Cancel Reset Transcription 132 dollars 57 cents, being the balance apparently due the Militia called into service for the defense of the frontiers of Virginia in 1793. The warrant ifsued [issued] by the Secretary of War on the Treasurer of the UStates was sent to him and the draft by him transmitted one post sooner than I could prepare the businefs [business] for the Audition of your State and in the hurry of that businefs entirely neglected to inform you of the transmission - however you will now receive from Edward Carrington Esqr. the above sum for which you will please sign duplicate receipts. I am Sir etc Joseph Howell Jaquelin Ambler Esqr. Treasurer of Virginia W.D. Accountants Office May 27th 1794 Sir On the 12th Inst. I wrote the Auditor of the State of Virginia and informed him that I should transmit to the Treasurer of said State a balance apparently due the Militia called into service for the defence of the frontiers Notes are a workspace where project participants can keep ideas and observations regarding the transcription of the page. When contributing to the notes, it is encouraged to include the user and timestamp.