
132 dollars 57 cents, being the balance apparently due the Militia called into service for the defense of the frontiers of Virginia in 1793. The warrant ifsued [issued] by the Secretary of War on the Treasurer of the UStates was sent to him and the draft by him transmitted one post sooner than I could prepare the businefs [business] for the Audition of your State and in the hurry of that businefs entirely neglected to inform you of the transmission - however you will now receive from Edward Carrington Esqr. the above sum for which you will please sign duplicate receipts.

I am Sir etc Joseph Howell

Jaquelin Ambler Esqr. Treasurer of Virginia

W.D. Accountants Office May 27th 1794

Sir On the 12th Inst. I wrote the Auditor of the State of Virginia and informed him that I should transmit to the Treasurer of said State a balance apparently due the Militia called into service for the defence of the frontiers

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