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Five C<s>W</s> (?) . . . coffee.
Five C<s>W</s> (?) . . . coffee.
Five barrels. .. Brown Sugar
Five barrels. .. Brown Sugar
Five boxes..Chocolate....Fifty <s>tbs</s> in each box.
Five boxes..Chocolate....Fifty lbs. in each box.
Half chest...Bohea Tea.
Half chest...Bohea Tea.
Half Chest...Souchong-ditto.
Half Chest...Souchong-ditto.
Six (?) ..... Nutmegs. -
Six lbs ..... Nutmegs. -
Twenty (?) ..... Gloves.
Twenty lbs ..... Gloves.
Twelve (?) .... Mustard
Twelve lbs .... Mustard
__ And have them immediately transported to Pittsburg...
__ And have them immediately transported to Pittsburg...
I am Sir,
Your most obed. Serv:
Samuel Hodgon Eq