

the country. Any recruiting officer inlifting a vagrant, or tranfient perfon, who fhall defert before marching from the place of rendezvous, fhall reimburfe out of his pay the lofs fuftained by fuch defertion. -It is therefore important that the officers be attentive on this point, as a compliance with this order will be rigidly exacted. The public interefts will be better ferved by a fmall army of brave, robuft, and faithful foldiers, then by a multitude of vagabonds.

10th. As foon as the recruits fhall be affembled at the rendezvous, they are to be taught, by gentle methods, regularity of conduct, as it fhall refpect cleanlinefs of their perfons, diet and rooms, and alfo due fubordination, and they are to be exercifed at leaft four hours in every day, in the attitudes and other firft principles of a foldier.

11th. The commanding officer at each place of rendezvous muft make out, on every Saturday, a return of the number of recruits under his command, and of the number joined during the courfe of the week, and tranfmit the fame to the War-Office by the next poft; and alfo fuch information as he may poffefs, of any officers under his command out of the recruiting fervice.

12th. You, or the commanding officer at, Elizabeth Town rendezvous are to fign returns for the iffues of all rations, and other neceffary fupplies for the troops, and on each Saturday, the daily returns made in the week are to be taken up, and one general return to be made out and figned for the rations received in the courfe of the week, noticing the daily iffues.

13th. No allowance is to be made for the expences of a recruit, until he fhall join at the rendezvous, the bounty being confidered as adequate for that ofject.

Thefe instructions are to regulate the conduct of the field officers and all others therein concerned, but they are more particularly given to you as captain or commanding officer of the company of light dragoons to be raifed in The States of New York & Connecticut, and you are to give copies hereof to your fubalterns, and all others under your orders.

The recruits will be muftered and critically infpected as foon as poffible after the company fhall be completed, and any deviation from thefe inftructions will be noticed.

The clothing, arms and accoutrements for your recruits will be furnifhed at West Point.

It is expected that you will exert yourfelf in the highest degree in obtaining your proportions of the company about to be raifed. - Any remarkable defici-

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