Recruiting Instructions for Jedediah Rogers: Page #2
Original title: 1792/AHC04_2.jpg

recruiting officer fhall dictate, until experience fhall in fome degree have afcertained the fidelity of the recruit. Any money advanced contrary to this direction, will be at the rifque of the recruiting officer.
3d. Every recruiting officer will be allowed the fum of Two Dollars, for the trouble and expence of inlifting each recruit;-provided however, that fuch allowance will not be made for any recruit who fhall defert before he fhall march from the rendezvous of the troops in the State where he fhall have been recruited.
4th. The utmost fairnefs is to be ufed by the recruiting officers, in engaging their recruits; no individual therefore is to be inlifted in a ftate of intoxication, or be fworn until after he fhall have been inlifted for the fpace of twenty-four hours.
5th. Each recruit (muficians excepted) muft be five feet and five inches in heighth, without fhoes:-he muft alfo be healthy, robuft, and found in his limbs and body, in all refpects; and to afcertain which he muft be thoroughly examined, previoufly to inliftment, by a Phyfician or Surgeon;-but if, not-withftanding this direction, a recruit fhould have any fecret difeafe at the time of his inliftment, the expence of his cure, if retained in fervice, fhall be deducted from his pay.
6th. Each recruit, before he is fworn, is to have distinctly read to him the rules and articles of war againft mutiny and defertion, and relative to the adminiftration of juftice, and alfo the Act of Congrefs of the 30th of April 1790, eftablishing the pay; after which he is to take the following oath, before a Magiftrate, to wit:
"I 'A.B.' do folemnly fwear (or afform, as the cafe may be) to bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and to ferve them honeftly and faithfully againft all their enemies or oppofers whomfoever, and to obferve and to obey the orders of the Prefident of the United States of America, and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to the articles of war."
7th. Each recruit (muficians excepted) muft be above eighteen and under forty five years of age.
8th. No negro, mulatto, or indian, to be recruited.
9th. All the recruits, if poffible, to be native of [undecipherable]