Document Viewer[No.25 Communication from the Department of War, with Sundry statements, relative to the Military force of the U.S. Sites for Arsenals, Replenishing the Magazines with Military stores. Trade with the Indians and Progress made in building the Frigate.]
- Document: [No.25 Communication from the Department of War, with Sundry statements, relative to the Military force of the U.S. Sites for Arsenals, Replenishing the Magazines with Military stores. Trade with the Indians and Progress made in building the Frigate.]
- In image: NKR02 (3 pages)
- In source: Collection: Fourth Congress: Reports and Communications to the Senate by the Secretary of War [4A-F3] (RG46)
- Location in source: [unknown]
- Page number: [unknown]
- Page count: [unknown]