Part of YXE16a
Knoxville August 19.th 1797.
Joseph Bowman De to Cash
Advanced him by virtue of a letter of
request from Colo. Butler dated the 18th.
August on Account of the Q.r Masters Departmt. 1000 -
Quarter Masters Department De to Cash
Paid William Hall for
3 gallons Tar deld. Capt. VenRenslaers troop 1 50
Quarter Masters Department De To Cash
Paid Stephen Haines for Forage for Captn.
Thomas Lewis's Horses while in Knox (being
an Express from the Committee of Congress 5 62
Sundry Accounts De to Cash
Contingent Expense
Paid Mrs Chisolm for boarding James
Carry from Augt. 7th to 16th. when sent
for by a special Commission to Major
Lewis, for appearing before Congress
-De. 9.91
Commissary Department
Paid George Strother Ensign in
the 3d. Regt. for his subsistence from
1st. July to 6th. Decr. 1796.
paid August 18th. 20. De
paid Mrs Chisolm by
order of Ens. Strother - - 90.70 110.70 120 61
Joseph Bowman De to Cash
Advanced him by virtue of a letter of
request from Colo. Butler dated the 18th.
August on Account of the Q.r Masters Departmt. 1000 -
Quarter Masters Department De to Cash
Paid William Hall for
3 gallons Tar deld. Capt. VenRenslaers troop 1 50
Quarter Masters Department De To Cash
Paid Stephen Haines for Forage for Captn.
Thomas Lewis's Horses while in Knox (being
an Express from the Committee of Congress 5 62
Sundry Accounts De to Cash
Contingent Expense
Paid Mrs Chisolm for boarding James
Carry from Augt. 7th to 16th. when sent
for by a special Commission to Major
Lewis, for appearing before Congress
-De. 9.91
Commissary Department
Paid George Strother Ensign in
the 3d. Regt. for his subsistence from
1st. July to 6th. Decr. 1796.
paid August 18th. 20. De
paid Mrs Chisolm by
order of Ens. Strother - - 90.70 110.70 120 61