

Part of YXE16a


Knoxville August 16th 1797
Commissioners for the Cherokee line De To Cash
the 9.th August paid Benjamin Hawkins ......1000 -
Cash De To Commissioners Cherokee line

For a sett of Bills drawn in favour the
Agent war 9.th August ......... 1000 --

Cash De To the Commissioners for runnig the
Cherokee line

For a sett of Bills drawn in favour the Agent
war bring for supplies furnished them 1165 53

Hospital Department De To Cash

Paid Olaie Pippin for her Pay as a Matron
to the Hospital from the 18.th June to 17.th August

Francis Jones De To Cash

on Account of the Quarter Masters Dpartmt
for which he is Accountable ........ 349 --

Stephen Hillis De To Cash

For to pay Lut. Robert Fields
26.th Septemb.r 27th October 1793. - - - 14.73
For to pay Robert King Atty to
Obediah Vaugh -.............. 24. ---
For to pay Joseph Greer .............504.73
572 46