

Part of YXE16a


Knoxville August 10. " 1797

Sundry Accounts Dr to Cash
Brought forward 287.37
Quarter Masters Depart. [right curly bracket]
Paid James Charter for Sundry
Articles del.d Cap t . Wade 22' April. . . 41.33
Paid Joseph Greer for a Horse
del.d Cap t . Sparks the 14 th Apil . . 120 .. [bumpy horiz line] 161.33
Commissary Department
Paid Alexander Outlaw
for 3 Barrels Whiskey . . . . . 100 -
Cherokee Annuity
Being a sum paid Joseph Greer
for negroes agreable to the directions
of the Chiefs - - - - - - - - - 300. -
Which they ordered paid Taylor 848 70

11 " ---
Commissarys Account Dr to Cash
Paid Formall & Nutt for 7 Gallons Brandy
for the Commissioners @ 22/6 . . ____. 26.25

Quarter Masters Department Dr to Cash
Paid John Lavender for sundry Jaolers
work done for Commissioners Escort. 70 96

Cloathing Department Dr to Cash
Paid Joseph Greer for Sundries for the
Commissioners Escort . . . . . . . . . 16 8