Archive Reports 1891



Archive Reports 1891

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Title Alternate label Class
Hodgdon to Travel Document
COPY: Request to Five Nations for Assistance Document
Supplies and Defense of the Frontier Document
Supply of Troops to March to Frontier Document
COPY: Ordinances, Military Stores, and Medicines Forwarded to Pittsburg Document
Queries by Captain Hendrick to Stockbridge Indians Document
COPY:Pickering Speech to the Six Nations Document
Updates on Expedition to Frontier, Transportation of Rations Document
Scott's Mission Successful, Status of Troops Document
Troops to March for Fort Pitt, Recruiting Discussed Document
Route of Hendrick to Hostile Western Indians Document
Treaty with Indians, Status of Troops, Establishment of Posts on Frontier Document
Recommendation of Surgeon's Mate Document
Recommendation for Surgeon's Mate Document
Supplies and Indian Relations Document
COPY: Enclosed Letters and Extracts from Pickering Document
COPY: Troops to March for Fort Pitt, Enclosures for Gen. St. Clair Document
Expedited Transport of Correspondence Document
Update on Supply and Location of Troops Document
Immediate Assembly of Troops at Fort Washington Document
Presidential Assurances, Indian Affairs Document
Counties Sufficiently Protected, Orders to Move Troops Document
Commissions for Major Clarke's Battalion Document
Directions for Constructing Shot to be Used in Cannons,Muskets, and Rifles Document
Late Arrival of Newman, Recommendation of Nephew Document