In Support of Hodgdon



In Support of Hodgdon


Colesworthy regrets he cannot do more to help Hodgdon but hopes that Congress will decide in his favor.

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Samuel Hodgdon
Samuel Colesworthy

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Letter from Mr. Colesworthy
Dated 12 Decem. 1792
Recd 26
Borton December 12. 1792.
Dear Sir
Your esteemed favor of the 27th November came to hand on the 10 Instant, and whilst I am deeply impressed with a sense of Gratitude for this new instance of your Friendship & Patronage, I have to regret that at this moment it is beyond my Power to render you taht Assistance which you so cearnestly whish - believe me, Sir, - I would most willingly coem to your Aid, and reder you every Service my small Abilities could yield you, could I share the sho[undecipherable] times you have mentioned - but, I am sorry, very sorry to say that in the present state of things, it is beyond my Power. & the Sensations which I feel on this account are by no means small, they are the sensations of a Man filled with a due sense of your situation, and who would willingly exert
every Move and Faculty of his Soul to oblige an experienced and well tried Friends.
Since my arrival in Borton, I have not supinely set down with the hope, that Congress will yield you that Redress which your Merit & Zeal for the Service of the United States justly entitle you to .
No Sir, my Journal, being as I conceive a Statement of Facts, has not been idle, it has already passed the inspection of many Gentlemen of this Town, and their minds have been enlightened upon the subject; And if I may believe their own Assertions, they view that Singular Report of the Committee, in the light it ought to be considered.
Your Brother enjoys his health & makes his respects to you and your family, who will also be pleased to accept of my most fervent prayers for their continued happiness.
Adieu, dear Sir,
I am sincerly Your Friend
Sam Colesworthy Junr.

Samuel Hodgdon, Esquire

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[view document] (3 pages) ZMB20a (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Samuel Colesworthy Boston [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Hodgdon [unknown] [n/a]