Purchase of Fifty Horses



Purchase of Fifty Horses


The War Department needs to purchase fifty horses. Hodgdon describes the qualities wanted in the horses, and the general price. He also requests a supply of boats.

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in image

notable person/group

Samuel Hodgdon
Colonel James Marshall
Major Isaac Craig

notable location

Washington County

notable item/thing


notable phrase

fourteen hands and half high
average of more than fifty dollars for each horse

document number



Copy of a Letter to
Colonel Marshal
13 May 1791
Sir Philadelphia May 13th, 1791

Fifty Horses are wanted for the Service of the
Public, which from information I believe may be purchased
through your Agency in the County of Washington where
you reside, on better terms than from any other quarter.

For this purpose having furnished you with two thousand
five hundred Dollars, I shall proceed to describe the
Horses which I wish you to furnish-Nothing needs
be said with respect to Colour, as we know it is im=
=possible to have uniformity however desirable under
present circumstances.-The Age and size of the Horses
is essential-fourteen hands and half high, I suppose
are the most easily obtained, and they are the most suit=
=able for the Service we have in view,-if they should
generally exceed. it will not be objected to-but I do not
expect or wish that they should-nor would I wish to
have any under that size, unless they should have other
properties which will compensate, with respect to Age
I wish to have none of them under five years old, nor over
eight, a few months either way will not however be objected
to,-but on your judgement, and integrity I shall confidently
rely: As fast as the Horses are purchased they must be
sent to Major Craige at Pittsburg, who is fully instructed
on the Subject; with respect to price I shall not consent to
Average of more than fifty Dollars for each Horse-indeed I
hope they will not amount to that Sum, your knowledge of the
business and Country will secure us from impartion-for your
time, trouble, & expence you will receive five percent on the money
you pay, an allowance that must be equal to any commission basing

in your
in your Country, as it is the most ever allowed in this City for the most
intricate business, and greatest responsibility. We hope all the
Horses will be at Pittsburg by the fifteenth day of June next.
To ensure a Supply of Boats, at Rolstone to take the Virginia
& Maryland Lines to Pittsburg, I have to request that you will
please to Contact for forty Boats of the most suitable dimentions for
the River Service; Those of of Forty feet I am Told are most generally
used, being found the most manageable. they may be had it
seems from Six Shillings to Six Shillings and sixpence pboat this
number must be immediately got ready as the Troops will shortly
be at Post waiting for transportation, the Boats Shall be
paid for as they are delivered - shall only add further that the
importance of the business committed to your management demands
your utmost exertions, and in case of performance to
Acceptance will be gratefully acknowledged by all concerened.
I will thank you to keep me advised how you proceed in the
business, as opportunities present. I shall leave this City for
Pittsburg in about two weeks.
I am Sir
your most Obedient Servant
(Signed) Samuel Hodgdon [undecipherable - LUG?]

Colonel James Marshall


Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) ZLD03a (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Samuel Hodgdon Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient James Marshall [unknown] [n/a]