Copied from Knoxville Waste Book



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Copied from Knoxville Waste Book


Copy of the entries for August 28, 1797, in the waste book of accounts at Knoxville.

short description

Copied from Knoxville waste book

year created


month created


day created


secondary author

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in image


Enclosed in Hillis to Simmons 9/13/1797. One of multiple enclosures.

notable person/group

Stephen Hillis
Indian Department
David Moor
Captain of the Boat
Alexander Blackley
James Tiner
Colonel Butler
Lieutenant Daven
Agent of War
Major Lewis

notable location

Campbell's station
Kings Iron Works

notable item/thing

waste book
fraudulent power of attorney

document number



Knoxville August 28th 1797.
Cash Dr To Indian Department
For a sum of money charged the 30th March 1795. paid David Moor which he drew by a fraudulent power of attorney and for which his whole pay was stoped as Capt of the Boat 57--
Indian Department Dr To Cash
Paid Alexander Hackley personally for his Services as an Oarsman on board the Boat commanded by David Moor the 18th of October to the 14th December 1794. 57--
Office Expence Dr To Cash
Paid James Tiner for 9 days writing upon extra Services @ 1.25 11.25
Contingent Expence Dr To Cash
Paid Col Butler Sixth [undecipherable] and the Agent of war expences going to Tellico by Campbell Station - with Servants Forage &c.
Dr 0.66
[undecipherable] at Knox 0.50
Paid the Agent of War expences going with Major Lewis & Grant to Kings Iron works up on a special commission [undecipherable] 16.30
Knoxville August 1797.
Contingent Expence Dr To Cash
Paid Hugh Dunlap for Services performed for Col Butler on Nolachucky 15--
Commissary Department Dr To Cash
Paid Jonah Watters his Services as spring Commissary & Q.Master from 1st July to 1 Aug. @ 400 dollars per Annum 33.69
Commissary Department Dr To Cash
Advanced Lt. Saml. R. Davidson for acting as spring Commissary to the troops at South west point 46.7
Stephen Hillis Dr To Cash
Paid Robert Wyley atto. to Sundry expences for Seviers Expedition 287.--
Paid William Dunwoody att. to Sundry persons for Seviers Expedition 69.--
William Dunwoody atto. Sundry services for 1793 22.80
Quarter Masters Department Dr To Cash For sundries & Bills paid for, for Lt. Saml. R. Davidson House at Tellico 91.21
Contingent Expence Dr To the Treasurer
For warrant N0 2216 in favour of Lt. Saml. Davidson for Expences from Philadelphia to Knox as express to order on Clothing 100--
Cash Dr To Contingent Expence
Bring the balance of Lt. Davidsons traveling expences 5.14
Knoxville August 1797.
Stephen Hillis Dr To Cash
For to pay R. Huston for services in Genl. Seviers Expedition from 27th Sept to 25th October 1793. 21.75
For to pay William Cowan & George Teoford for services in Seviers Expedition from 21st Sept to the 30th October 28th
December 6th 1793. 30.--
Quarter Masters Department Dr To Cash
Paid John Hammond for 2 Grindstones for Col Butler's Reg.t 2.50
Stephen Hillis Dr To Cash
For to pay David Conly services in Genl Seviers Expedition Capt Harrison's Co. 21st Aug - 10th Dec. 1793 84--
Contingent Expence Dr To Cash
Paid John Heron in full for the [undecipherable] of Troops and Sundry persons on public Account 10.37
Contingent Expence Dr To Cash
Paid John Hillsman in full for Sundries for the Quarter Master, & Commissioners 35.80
September 13th 1797
Stephen Hillis [undecipherable]

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) YXE16a (14 pages) Collection: Claims Files Relating to Service in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1851. (RG217) Hillis, Stephen
[view document] (1 pages) YXE16 (15 pages) Collection: Claims Files Relating to Service in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1851. (RG217) Hillis, Stephen

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Stephen Hillis Knoxville [n/a]