Letters Sent (Letterbook) by Quartermaster General James O'Hara, Apr 19, 1792-May 17, 1794. (RG92)



Letters Sent (Letterbook) by Quartermaster General James O'Hara, Apr 19, 1792-May 17, 1794. (RG92)

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QMG James O'Hara Ltrs Sent, RG92

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Title Alternate label Class
Instructions for Delivery of Packet Document
Appointment as Quartermaster General Document
Discusses Expense of Horses and Transportation in Kentucky Document
Seeks Estimates for Transportation Costs, Articles, and Salaries for Quartermaster in the West Document
Commission as Quartermaster General Document
Delivery of Corn to Kentucky from Fort Washington Document
Outlines Responsibilities as Clerk and Assistant Quartermaster Document
Outlines Quartermaster Responsibilities and Western Activity Document
Appointment and Responsibilities as Conductor of Military Stores Document
Discussion of Communication and Transportation of Supplies Document
Discusses Appointment of Attorney in Philadelphia Document
Requests Agreement with the Secretary of the Treasury about Format of Money Document
Requests Money Document
Dispatch about Food for Animals at Various Posts Document
Estimate of Expenses for 1792 Document
Requests Articles for the Quartermaster Department Document
Discusses Need for Horses and Oxen Document
Return of Wagons, Horses, and Oxen Document
Instructions for Visit to Philadelphia and Report to Secretary of War Document
Refers to Business among Various Officers Document
Supply matters and St. Clair defeat Document
Discusses Drafts, Returns, Construction of Boats, Forts, and Garrisons Document
Seeks to Reconcile Records in Different Quarters Document
Instructions for Stores Document
Outlines Departmental Disbursements and Vouchers Document