Letter from Timothy Barnard [Bernard] to Major Henry Gaither regarding meeting with Cussetahs, scalpings, robbery and murder at Robert Seagrove's store Traders Hill on St Mary's River, Spaniard Dons



Author's Letterbook Copy


Letter from Timothy Barnard [Bernard] to Major Henry Gaither regarding meeting with Cussetahs, scalpings, robbery and murder at Robert Seagrove's store Traders Hill on St Mary's River, Spaniard Dons


An enclosure to Gaither to Secretary of War letter 17 April 1793, Timothy Bernard writes from the Flint River. Reports on Indians arriving from St. Marys and Sattelles with scalps and plunder. Perpetrators from settlements near Jack Kinnard's, who are under influence of villain Willbanks and northward Indians. Describes a ship arriving from Spaniard dons with goods. Talks about the death of Captain Fleming at murder and robbery at Robert Seagrove's store on St. Marys and likelihood that James Seagrove will demand satisfaction from the culprits. Notes that this was not an act reflective of the Creek Nation.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

Flint River


in image


An enclosure to Gaither to Secretary of War letter 17 April 1793.

notable person/group

Henry Gaither
Henry Knox
Secretary of War
Timothy Bernard
Timothy Barnard
Jack Kinnard
Captain Fleming
Robert Seagrove
White Fish King
Mr Garwin
Creek Nation
Mr Caskin

notable location

Flint River
United States
Creek Nation
Lower Creek
Upper Creek
St Mary's River
Robert Seagrove's Store
Traders Hill
Mr Caskin's Store

notable idea/issue

robbery and murder at Robert Seagrove's store Traders Hill St Marys
Spaniard Dons

document number



Enclosures in the foregoing letter
From Timothy Barnard to Major Henry Gaither
Flint river 8th April 1793
I was honored with your letter of the 25th February at the Cussetah town which I explained to the heads then assembled which proved of no small service in convincing the indians how far the leading men of the United States were from wishing to encroach on their Territories, I did myself the pleasure to write you from the Cussetahs, but am under some apprehension that my letter has not reached you, from what has happened since; at my meeting the Cussetahs with a member of the heads of the lower Creeks and some of the upper every matter seem to conclude with a fair prospect of peace, between our red brethern and the United States, as the voice of the nation was for me to send off an express for Major Seagrove to be up in thirty two days from the time with out fail, from the last day of the meeting, in two days after I arrived at my very own house on Flint river and next day was preparing to dispatch an express off to Major Seagrove
Seagrove which before I had finished came the dreadful news up to me from a town below me forty miles on the Flint river that two parties out of said town and four or five villains from a town a hundred miles below that had just arrived from St. Mary's and Sattelles with four or five scalps from that quarter, and a great deal of plunder, these that have committed those violations are settlements near Jack Kinnards and the part of the nation that Major Seagrove has given Kinnard instructions to endeavour to govern which I cannot say but Kinnard has made use of every means in his power to keep them quiet but the talks they got from this villain Willbanks and from these northward Indians has put some of the Indians I believe nearly out of their heads. Willbanks at that very time expected a vessel in were he just at that time went down to meet her, and assured the Indians all along as he went that she would arrive which I never could have believed, that people would have been so mad as to send goods on such uncertain plans, but to my great surprize and fully informed that the vessel arrived on the coast with several Indians on board, that went to Providence to protect her from the insults of the Spaniards but nevertheless the dons acted as any other power in such a case would and ought to have done, took the vessel goods and all and conducted her to St. Mark's garrisons and it seems bound some of the Indians fast for two or three days which I imagine were a little insolent, they have since sent them home a lucky circumstance for our frontiers, what happened will I now hope just put an end to that business, and disannul all hopes of shipping landing on that quarter. Poor Capt. Fleming at Captain Robert Seagroves store on St. Mary's fell a sacrifice to Savage cruelty and the store plundered of everything they could take off ; one other young man fell
fell at same place, and who he is I cannot learn, and three more on Sattillies near Mr Caskin's store, that store I hear remains unhurt, I make no doubt but before this you have a more particular account of matters from that quarter than I can render you. Kinnard has sent off an express to Major Seagrove respecting the business, at same time I forwarded the peace talks from the heads of the nation from which Major Seagrove will be able to judge that what has been done is far from being the voice of the whole nation since those villainous murderers arrived at their own towns they have been bullied and despised by all that were in the town, Major Seagrove will I imagine first demand satisfaction, what will be the result I cannot take upon me to say, however, I think their inhabitants in your quarter may still remain quietly in their farms as yet without danger, as it would be very distressing for them to break up at this time of the year. I need not Sir have wrote you so particularly as the bearer is a very intelligent man a citizen and friend to the United States and will give you every information you may stand in need of from this quarter, and as he wishes to go down that way I thought it would be better to employ him to take this to you than an Indian. The Indian White fish King, as I find he stiles himself to you was desirous of going back with letters to you, but he is such a noted lyar & villain I did not choose to trust him. Any favors you confer on the bearer Mr. Garvin will be greatfully acknowledged by
Sir your's &c (Signed) Timothy Barnard

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) NOP01 (506 pages) Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} M1268, R: 14, p 440-442

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Timothy Barnard [Bernard] Flint River [n/a]
Recipient Henry Gaither [unknown] [n/a]