Letter from Georgia Governor Telfair to Secretary of War Henry Knox describing the remote prospects for peace with the Creek Nation



Author's Letterbook Copy


Letter from Georgia Governor Telfair to Secretary of War Henry Knox describing the remote prospects for peace with the Creek Nation


Telfair implies that the 19 July letter's call for restraint from Knox in the hope that those who committed crimes at Traders Hill can be brought to justice will not give security to the people of Georgia. Notes that Harrison's Fort has been fired upon, depredations at Fort St. Saville. Creek Indian Agent Seagrove cannot accomplish anything unless the savages understand that force will be used. Asks what means will be used to bring the perpetrators to justice; how will the captives be restore; how will stolen property be returned? Notes that the government is obliged to protect the people; paper peace can be of no duration. Notes that the federal government's calls for limited and defensive operations against the Creeks will result in depopulation of southern counties of Liberty, Glynn, and Cambden.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

State House, Augusta Georgia


sent to location


in image

notable person/group

Governor of Georgia Telfair
James Seagrove Creek Indian Agent
Secretary of War Henry Knox
John Galphin
William Jones
Captain Constant Freeman
Georgia militia
President of United States General Washington
Creek Nation
inhabitants Georgia

notable location

State House Augusta Georgia
United States
Harrisons Fort
Fort St. Saville
Southern Georgia Counties
Liberty County
Glynn County
Cambden County

notable item/thing


notable idea/issue

affidavit of William Jones
Georgia policy against Creeks
robbery and murder at Traders Hill St Marys
Washington Indian policy

document number


Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) NOP01 (506 pages) Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} M1268, R: 14, p 194-195

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Governor Edward Telfair State House, Augusta Georgia [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox Philadelphia [n/a]