Deposition by eleven inhabitants of Glynn County



Extract of Letter


Deposition by eleven inhabitants of Glynn County


Extract from files of Ex Dept. William Urquhart. Inhabitants' report being robbed and plundered by Creek Indians, including cattle and horses. They say the Creek Indians have been treated kindly. Another extract comes from Mr Cooke to the Honorable Judge Houston dated at Williamsburg 21 March 1793 indicating that amount of cattle stolen around 2000.

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sent from location

Glynn County Georgia


sent to location

Glynn County Georgia

in image

notable person/group

William Urquhart
Creek Indians
Honorable Judge Houston
Mr Cooke

notable location

Creek Nation

notable item/thing


notable idea/issue

Creek theft and robberies

document number



The Secretary of War }

Extract from a deposition by eleven Inhabitants of Glynn County dated 21st March 1793

"The Inhabitants of Glynn County have been robbed and plundered very considerably by the Creek Indians who are at this time in a state of actual hostility against said Inhabitants committing daily the most horrid robberies on them in so much that at this moment they conceive almost all the Cattle and horses of said County being a very great number to be in the possession of said Creek Indians."

"The Creek Indians have been treated kindly and hospitably by the Inhabitants of said Country, and in nowise injured by said Inhabitants." From the files of the Ex. Dep.t W. Urquhart S. E. D. 179

Extract of a Letter from Mr. Crooke to the Honorable Judge Houston, dated Williamsburg 21st March 1793

"The Settlers on this side the river are not rich, notwithstanding, the number of Cattle taken already, as far as we can ascertain in nearly two thousand head."

From the files of the Ex Dept

W Urquhart, S. E. D.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) NOP01 (506 pages) Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} M1268, R: 14, p 180-181

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Inhabitants of Glynn County Georgia Glynn County Georgia Mr. Cooke;
Recipient W. Urquhart Glynn County Georgia [n/a]