Simmons Reporting Captain Charles Hyde to the Secretary of War



Author's Letterbook Copy


Simmons Reporting Captain Charles Hyde to the Secretary of War


A significant amount of public money in the charge off Captain Charles Hyde, acting as paymaster for the 1st U.S. Regiment, remains unaccounted for. The amount now attributed to his debit stands at $79,000, and although Hyde has been repeatedly called upon by Simmons in line with the request of the Paymaster General, Hyde has not yet complied. The instructions of the Comptroller General of the Treasury direct Simmons to request punctual settlement of accounts, and when an officer fails to comply it is Simmons' duty under the articles of war to report that officer to the Secretary of War. Simmons provides Dexter with copies of the Paymaster General's thoughts on the matter as well as copies of Simmons' letters to Hyde and Hyde's replies. Simmons feels that granting Hyde any further lenience would be contrary to his duty.

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William Simmons

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Samule Dexter

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Samuel Dexter
William Simmons
Captain Charles Hyde
paymaster general
comptroller general of treasury
1st U.S. Regiment

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In image In source Location in source
[view document] (404 pages) YLA01 (404 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Accountant of the War Department and the Second Auditor, Apr 14, 1795-May 5, 1886. (RG217) V: G, P: 305-306

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Simmons [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Dexter [unknown] [n/a]