Simmons Writes Ball to Request Forwarding of his Authority or Contract, as well as Duplicates of his Vouchers



Author's Letterbook Copy


Simmons Writes Ball to Request Forwarding of his Authority or Contract, as well as Duplicates of his Vouchers


Simmons wrote a letter to Ball on the 16th of October acknowledging receipt of Ball's letter dated October 2nd, along with the accounts and vouchers for his supplies. Simmons requested the authority or contract Ball was operating under, though he is yet to receive a reply. Simmons now writes to request that, due to the fire at the War Department, Ball forward the duplicates of all his vouchers which were observed by Simmons in every instance to be taken by Ball himself or one of his agents.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

Accountant's Office


sent to location

Wilmington, North Carolin

in image

author note

William Simmons

recipient note

Robert Ball

notable person/group

Robert Ball
William Simmons

notable location

Wilmington, North Carolina
Accountant's Office

notable idea/issue

war department fire

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) YLA01 (404 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Accountant of the War Department and the Second Auditor, Apr 14, 1795-May 5, 1886. (RG217) V: G, P: 300

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Simmons Accountant's Office [n/a]
Recipient Robert Ball Wilmington, North Carolin [n/a]