Simmons Writing Byers About the Sum Which Will be Forwarded to him by Nicholas Fish



Author's Letterbook Copy


Simmons Writing Byers About the Sum Which Will be Forwarded to him by Nicholas Fish


Simmons informs Byers that his letter of October 7th, which enclosed his accounts and vouchers for rations delivered to the Armorer at Springfield for July, August and September of 1800, was received. The balance of $1545.10 which is due Byers will be delivered by Nicholas Fish when Byers furnishes the necessary receipts. Furthermore, the letter which Byers enclosed for the Secretary of War was delivered, and should the Secretary decide to provide the advance Byers requested, Simmons will make sure Byers is informed. The postscript to this letter informs Byers that the Secretary of War has signed a warrant which will allow a $1000 advance.

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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William Simmons

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James Byers

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James Byers Jr
William Simmons

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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[view document] (404 pages) YLA01 (404 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Accountant of the War Department and the Second Auditor, Apr 14, 1795-May 5, 1886. (RG217) V: G, P: 276

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Simmons [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient James Byers Springfield, Massachusetts [n/a]