Notification by William Simmons to Edward Carrington that examination of Godlove Heiskell's account for supplies to troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia is closed



Author's Letterbook Copy


Notification by William Simmons to Edward Carrington that examination of Godlove Heiskell's account for supplies to troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia is closed


William Simmons informs Edward Carrington that examination of Godlove Heiskell's account for supplies to troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia is closed. Balance against Heiskell of $46.56, which Simmons directed Heiskell to pay to Carrington. In account records, five bills for Dr. George French listed without receipts. Simmons reported amount in favor of the doctor who was to be paid by Carrington upon acquisition of necessary receipts.

short description

Examination of Godlove Heiskell's account for supplies to troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia is closed.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

Accountant's Office


sent to location

Richmond, Virginia

in image

author note

William Simmons

recipient note

Edward Carrington

notable person/group

Edward Carrington
William Simmons
Godlove Heiskell
Doctor George French
Treasurer United States

notable location

Richmond, Virginia
Accountant's Office
Fredericksburg Virginia

notable item/thing

troop supplies
sick troops

document number


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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) YLA01 (404 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Accountant of the War Department and the Second Auditor, Apr 14, 1795-May 5, 1886. (RG217) V: G, P: 7

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Simmons Accountant's Office [n/a]
Recipient Edward Carrington Richmond, Virginia [n/a]