Continuation of Payments on Account for Treaty of Tellico; Accounts for Choctaw Agent Samuel Mitchell
Continuation of Payments on Account for Treaty of Tellico; Accounts for Choctaw Agent Samuel Mitchell
Henley forwards continuation of abstract of payments made on account of Treaty at Tellico from June 25 to Ocotber 1, 1798. In the letter he details accounts and payments which he allowed and the reasons why.
short description
Continuation of Payments on Account for Treaty of Tellico; Accounts for Choctaw Agent Samuel Mitchell
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
in collection
notable person/group
William Simmons
David Henley
Samuel Mitchell
James O'Hara
James OHara
Captain Amos Bird
Secretary of War James McHenry
Principal Agent of the Indian Department
notable location
notable item/thing
abstract for payments
abstract for bills
Quarter Masters Department
expenditures for his table and house
receipt rolls
military services
copy of the entry made in the books
individual claims
document number
page start
Knoxville 22nd May 1799
I now forward a continuation of the Abstract for the payments made on account of the Treaty at Tellico Commencing the 25 June and ending the 1st October 1798. As also that of the abstract for bills drawn for, And agreeable to your letter of the 13th [undecipherable] have paid James OHara & Co the balance of their Account. The Vouchers sent on for the Signatures of the Commissioners have returned, as not one of the Gentlemen in the Comission at that time is in the State: but knowing the Articles was [undecipherable], and by my [undecipherable] I have Certifyed to the same.
The several dictuction for commissions have likewise Allowed, because Capt Amos Bird. Who Acted in the line of the Quarter Masters Department and having nothing Allowed for that service. I did agree in the time he handed me in the Accounts to pass over the charge of Commission I have noticed For dissallowance all which allowance I hope well meet the approbation of the War Department
I have forwarded for Your inspection the Accounts of---
of Samuel Mitchell temporary Agent to the Choctaws, the balance for which being five hundred Dollars, he has my draft for and the Secretary of War therefore.
The account of his expenditures for his table and house hold expenses which I am not authorized to admit as his appointment from Mr. Hawkins allows only five hundred dollars for annum, enclose you at the present time, and the Instructions given him by Mr. Hawkins, that you may Judge of the justuiss of my opinion on his account. That Mr. Mitchell may have full consideration for his agency. I have advised him to send on the dissallowed account to the Principal Agent of the Indian Department, that he may direct to the allowance of any part he may consider just.
This in my opinion is doing my duty betwiset him and the government,
You will also receive by this oppertunity the Receipt Rolls of Capt Ross Bird for payments made for military services, January, February, & March being left at the office for Progression. Amongst which is my
oppinion for a claim he holds against the United States for being arranged for a Military Corps in the Year 1796.
copy of the entrys made in the books for the month of April for my Agency is also forwarded, and assure you no time shale be lost in preparing the public accounts for a statement, but I have been enguded in so much business that it will take the Summer to have them complete But I am able to assure you of a pleasing fact, that the Individuals claims being mostly settled. I cannot expect any further interuption by them.
I am Sir,
With esteem
Your Humbe Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
William Simmons esquire
Knoxville 22nd May 1799
I have drawn on you this date in favour of Samuel Mitchell temporary Agent to the Choctaws for Five hundred dollars, being the balance due him for inpurces in the Indian Department. The bill is made payable to him deorder after ten days right, and his account an which this bill is found is forwarded to the Accountant, by this days part, and having paper the same to the credit of the Treasurer request honor thineto
I am with Respect
Your Humble Servant
David Henley
Agent of War
The [undecipherable]
James McHenry
Secy of War
Knoxville May 22nd 1799
I have drawn on you this date in favor of Cochran & Hrusley payable to them on order After ten days sight for one thousand five hundred dollars, being for so much lodged in my hands for Remittance by Thomas Hickman of Nashville the 10th of April and having no immediate use for the money at that time, deffered drawing lile wanted, being the term upon which I received it, as the Sum is now appropriated for the Army Department the Bill mentioned for that use.
But perceiving by an abstract of warrants from the Accountant, the Receipts I gave for the Money has already been taken up, and paid the 20th of April, the Bill is only to be presented by Cockraw & Hursley for form and acknowledgement of pay and which I have so notifyed them.
I am very Respectly
Your Humble Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
The honorable
James McHenry
Secretary of War
Knoxville May 22nd 1799
I drew upon you the following dates for the following setes of Bills
May 13th William Fling payable to order at 30 days sight for 3000
15th James & William Parks ditte 1000
Patrick Campbell ditto 1507.76 5507.76
And shall draw in favor of
John W Hooker - for 15000.--
United States Factor 7,047.76
Which has been appropriated to paying the balance due James OHara Co and advanced money for the Treaty at Tellieo. The Bills was drawn at so long a sight, that the account of James OHara and a particular abstract of the bills drawn for might reach the accountant and they are forwarded by the Post.
I have also enclosed you Returns for Quarter Master Stores delivered for the month of April.
I am very Respy
Your Humb Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
the Honb
James McHenry
Secretary of War
Knoxville 25th May 1799
Your letter of the 20 Instanc I received at the moment. I was setting off for Marysville but thinking it might be of consequence for you to receive an answer to it, it is with pleasure I imbrace the opportunity by return of the part so te do.
At presnet I cannot accept your thirteen hundred Dollars, because I am not in the want of that sum for public account, two in a short time may be in the habit of drawing as the army is in Arrears.
For the claim of Col. Roberts you should have called on the Accountant with whom it is lodged on I believe W. Jackson is knowing to it, at last, if in mistake of mine has [undecipherable] in my mind, in respect to that business, thence you will find [undecipherable] accounts.
I wrote to Col. Hawkins by W. Machinun forward your papers, he being much engaged promises the particular answer in a short time, to that another paper sent to him at that particular period to which your demand applies -
I am Sir with Regard Your Humble Servant David Henley
Sir, Since I wrote the above I have received a letter from the Secy War, that puts it in any power to oblige you with a Bill, so that you may send me your Money - W John Chilaness
Knoxville May 29th 1799
Your letter of the 15th in it I received per Mr Steele, and regret that the evil Spirit as you say prevails in your nation
Plain sence I should think aught to teach the Indians to respect the property of their neighbours, for certainly if they do not, their Neghbours will not respect theirs, and if they do not leave of that vile and mean practice of stealing and plundering, all the plans of [undecipherable] for Government for their peace, and to make them happy will be frustrated.
What in the name of reason do they want. If horses, Surely you have land and range enough, and by a little call might raise horses enough for the use of the Nation, and a number to sell, this way of gaining them would be more honorable for the brave Cherokees.
Mr Morclin delivered me your return of Horses and I expect that all those will be delivered up, Or I shall write to the Secretary of War, and make a loud complaint against the People whom I have wrote well about and whom I have tryed to serve.
(35)[editors note: this last number in parenthesis is written in pencil]
you will do well to impress it upon their minds of the Chiefs and the Nation in general, the justice of thir demand.
I doubt not but you will be careful, both of public and private property and do all you can for the United States and your Nation
And am your Humble Servt David Henley Agent of War
Charles Hicks
Knoxville May 29th 1799
Your letters of the 5th 12th 19th April came to hand last post, all of which was irregular owing to some delention of the mail, there was in their enclosures many letters for the Nalchey Government, two of which was directed Governor Serjeant, and they was all in two days after received forwarded via Nashville to their destination Fort Massae, Wallnah hills, Chickasaw Bluff and to the Natchez Government
As far as the letters point Your instructions to me, I shall particularly attend to them and observe that they meek with due regard in all instances Monday the 27th Instant and Express from General Wilkinson as I was going to Tellico with a letter for you which I know forward as well as one from Mr Hockey.
All seems to be well in this quarter, excepting the Indians -The Cherokees have been more mischivous in Stealing Horses to restrain which I have sent an express unto the nation. And wrote to them in warm, anxious, but friendly terms, Expressive of the dissapprobation of the Government - Against such evil conduct I impute their excess of theft these some mouths to the absence of an agent amongst them, whose presence I am Confident was a check - upon their misconduct
As the Affairs of Europe appear to me to be rising to the highest importance, And in which this country may be involvede. I shall detain the Express from General Wilkinson tite the arrival of next Saturdays Mail - as possibly there may be some orders to him from the Executive I am wt Respect Hb David Henley Agent of War
The Houbl James McHenry Secretary of War
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 20th [undecipherable]by the Express George Druger, with a Packet for the Secretary of War came safe to hand on Monday the 27 of May and the same I forwarded by post on the Thursday following, expect it will reach the Secretary of War in sixteen days. I detained the Express for several days to await the arrival of the Mail, expecting some things from Government for yourself. And in that reflection was not dissappointed, as the post brought a Packet of Newspapers directed to you, and another packet to you, or the affeir commanding in your absence as also a letter for the Officer Commanding at Chickasaw Bluff and a letter for John McKee esquire Agent to the Choctaws. They are all forwarded by this oppurtunity.
I have also sent the letter for Capt Thomas Pasturre Commanding at Fort Massae which is of Your [undecipherable] direction.
For News shall refer you to the public papers, and as it seems to
to be decided betwext France and America to draw their Swords. I hope good Conduct, Courage, and resources will give Our Country the victory over their enemies.
I am Dear Sir with respect your friend and humble Servant David Henley
On Monday the 27th May I forwarded via Nashville, Several packages, of newspapers, for you, letters for the officers, under your command and two for Governor Serjeund.
To General James Welkinson
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Therewith you will receive a packet containing Letters for the commanding officers at Head Quarters. And Sundry letters for Aeries persons, which please to forward with all possible dispatch.
I am with respect your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
To the Officer commanding at Fort Massack
P.S. I enclose you a receipt of George Druen for money he has received to pay the two assistants. Thirty dollars each.
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
George Druger being an express for General Welkinson, And now charged with several dispatches from the War Office, to the General, and to other public Officers; please to supply him with provisions, and what necessarys he may want to Fort Massac.
I am respectfully your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
To the Officer Commanding at Southwest Point
(42) [editor's note: this last number is penciled on the bottom of the page]
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Dear Sir
George Druer your express having informed me that from some distemper by which his Horse was taken, oblidged him to get another, for which cause, he was short of money and requested an advance accordingly I have let him have fifty dollars for himself and sixty to pay the two hands with him and enclose you his receipts for the two sums.
I am respectfully Your Humble Servt David Henley
To General James Welkinson, or the officer with whom, George Druer may settle his accounts
(43) [editors note: this last number penciled in]
Knoxville 4th June 1799
Cochrans Waggon got safe to hand this place the 2nd Uttt and set off on his return with a load of Pettry the 2nd inst for Yaus City. The loading was delivered in good order. and Uu Stationary was a Supply, being so war out that I was oblidged to purchase a few Reams of rssapen.
When any loads are ordered to my care, You will facillitate the business by giving me early notice by post, that I may make arangements for discharging the loading, as it probable will often happen that part of the loading may be for this place, a Second part for Tellico And another division for Southwest Point. Which places are in different directions. Tellico thirty two miles, Southeast, and So West Point forty miles in a southwest direction.
I would also request your alteration to the packing the goods, the Roads are so rough and the length of the Journey so great that it requires Strong and two fold coverings to the Balez. The Coulars are injured by Chaffing
Your letter designed for the Introduction of the Revd Mr Buller I received by post and had done for that Gentileman all in my power both by facillitating and smothing his Journey as also to make his continuance in the Chickasaw Nation agreeable to himself, and the Natives. I wish you to find on for the use of the new Barracks now building at Tellico and Sou W. Point 50c putty C Bosees Windau Glass 8 by 10the Remainder of my memo will find you when Col Butter and myself shall determine the Articles and quanbly wantings - Also we are in great want of Sett of Armourers Foals.
I am Respectfuly Yr Humb Sert David Henley Agent of War
Samuel Hoagdon Esquire
Knoxville June 4th 1799
I now readily acknowledge your letter of the 5th April and forward you the Account of Col Elijah Robertson, which the extract of my letter to the Accountant to whom the Colonets Account was forwarded on the 18th October 1797 --
The Reasons for my not paying the Account; the charges are made unsupported by any authority from General Wayne or any paper from him to show they was done and possibly of both ordered and [undecipherable], the account may have been paid at the head Quarters of the Army.
I am with respect Your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
[undecipherable]Nathan Jones
Knoxville June 4th 1799
Agreeable to your instructions to me of the 12th April, I have this day drawn on you in favor of Thomas Humes for five hundred Dollars being for so much specu he paid into my hands to be appropriated to the use of Recruiting the fourth United States Regimt and having passed the same to the ludit of the Treasurer, request you to honor this Bill.
I am very Respectfully Your Humb Servant David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James McHenry Secretary of War Philiadelphia
Knoxville June 4th 1799
I received your letters of the 19th April & 13th of May, in respect to the first, I inform you for the present I have conversed with Capt Butler respecting the Memorandum of Claims due to certain Soldiers, and will settle them as you have pointed out.
To the latter my reply is that I had the opinion of Suit Chandler on Capt Bradley auount and have Settled it in justice.
By this oppurtunity I enclose you a copy of my entries in the public Books for the months of May.
I had the pleasure of seing your Brother a few days past, and he was well.
I am Sir Yr Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
William Simmons Esquire
Knoxville June 5th 1799
The many and serious complaints that have been made by the people on the Cumberland, And by travellers to the Country of the (Cherokees in particular) Stealing Horses induced me to send Mr. Zuekfield Maclin the 19th March (a person that has been in the service of MrHawkins) to that nation, and to the Creeks to prevent fulre injuries of the kind, And to collect as many Horses as he could that was stolen with a view to restore them to their owners
A Copy of my instructions to him and his answer, with a Report of the number of Horses he found to be in the defferent Towns, puncissaly from information but some few from his own knowledge, being an eye witness to some that were his neighbors, I now enclose,
He returned unfortunately without bringing one of those Horses tho the expense of his going was considerable, and may of the Chiefs Confessed to him those thefts had been comitted by their people, their councils and their exertions they promised should be made to recover them.
But from further information I have gained, may of the Horses have been taken off to Georgia and else where, and I believe but few will ever be returned.
[51] [editor's note: this last number and brackets appears in pencil]
The Stealing of those Horses is a cause of much evil and differently, it seems to be the Chief complaint of the People against the Indians. And it is a complaint that I must make against some of the people, for when any Horses are delivered up by the Indians, it is with difficulty they can be kept, for as soon as they are let into a Range, or even in a field many of them are stolen by the Whites, and often when the Indians bring them, they have been so hardly used, that the expence of keeping them then months is greater than them Caleu
It is apart of the Indian Business that gives me more trouble than all the rest, Nor do I know how to proceed or advise to remedy it..
But I am of the opinion, that the justice due to the people, that have lost their Horses, should induce Government to stop the Annuity from being dirlered, any part of it till the Stolen property is returned, And such a measure of Government, would convence the people that their
Complaints at this time was attended to, and I believe have a good effect upon the minds of the Indians, but I submit my oppinion to your Judgement.
I received by the last post a packet adressed to him, or the Officer Commanding in his absence, - both of which as well as a letter to John McKee esquire, And some other to the Officers in the Natchez Territory under your Cover. I forwarded by George Dryer the General's Express - whom I delained a few days for the Arrival of the Mail, He went by water on Sunday the 2nd Instant.
You will also receive by this conveyance the Return for Quarter Master shores delivered the month of May. Col Butler being at this place - I suppose we shall we shall make such arrangements as you have directed for delivering the Stores quarterly or hay yearly.
I am Respectfully yr Humb Sert David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James M Henry
Knoxville June 5th 1799
The demand of Col Butler on me for Stores, such as nails, carpenters tools, and for the use of the Barracks at the Garrisons of South West Point and Tellico oblidges me to draw on you in favor of Josiah Siehol, or order payable after ten days sight for which value has been received partly in Nails and tools, and the balance in Speice, to the amount of five hundred dollars. Which Sum is appropriated to the Quarter Master Department, and having the amount of this Bill passed to the Credit of the Treasurer Request your opprobation to the Same
I am Respectfully Your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James M Henry Secretary of War
[55] [editor's note: this last number and brackets written in pencil]
I now forward a continuation of the Abstract for the payments made on account of the Treaty at Tellico Commencing the 25 June and ending the 1st October 1798. As also that of the abstract for bills drawn for, And agreeable to your letter of the 13th [undecipherable] have paid James OHara & Co the balance of their Account. The Vouchers sent on for the Signatures of the Commissioners have returned, as not one of the Gentlemen in the Comission at that time is in the State: but knowing the Articles was [undecipherable], and by my [undecipherable] I have Certifyed to the same.
The several dictuction for commissions have likewise Allowed, because Capt Amos Bird. Who Acted in the line of the Quarter Masters Department and having nothing Allowed for that service. I did agree in the time he handed me in the Accounts to pass over the charge of Commission I have noticed For dissallowance all which allowance I hope well meet the approbation of the War Department
I have forwarded for Your inspection the Accounts of---
of Samuel Mitchell temporary Agent to the Choctaws, the balance for which being five hundred Dollars, he has my draft for and the Secretary of War therefore.
The account of his expenditures for his table and house hold expenses which I am not authorized to admit as his appointment from Mr. Hawkins allows only five hundred dollars for annum, enclose you at the present time, and the Instructions given him by Mr. Hawkins, that you may Judge of the justuiss of my opinion on his account. That Mr. Mitchell may have full consideration for his agency. I have advised him to send on the dissallowed account to the Principal Agent of the Indian Department, that he may direct to the allowance of any part he may consider just.
This in my opinion is doing my duty betwiset him and the government,
You will also receive by this oppertunity the Receipt Rolls of Capt Ross Bird for payments made for military services, January, February, & March being left at the office for Progression. Amongst which is my
oppinion for a claim he holds against the United States for being arranged for a Military Corps in the Year 1796.
copy of the entrys made in the books for the month of April for my Agency is also forwarded, and assure you no time shale be lost in preparing the public accounts for a statement, but I have been enguded in so much business that it will take the Summer to have them complete But I am able to assure you of a pleasing fact, that the Individuals claims being mostly settled. I cannot expect any further interuption by them.
I am Sir,
With esteem
Your Humbe Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
William Simmons esquire
Knoxville 22nd May 1799
I have drawn on you this date in favour of Samuel Mitchell temporary Agent to the Choctaws for Five hundred dollars, being the balance due him for inpurces in the Indian Department. The bill is made payable to him deorder after ten days right, and his account an which this bill is found is forwarded to the Accountant, by this days part, and having paper the same to the credit of the Treasurer request honor thineto
I am with Respect
Your Humble Servant
David Henley
Agent of War
The [undecipherable]
James McHenry
Secy of War
Knoxville May 22nd 1799
I have drawn on you this date in favor of Cochran & Hrusley payable to them on order After ten days sight for one thousand five hundred dollars, being for so much lodged in my hands for Remittance by Thomas Hickman of Nashville the 10th of April and having no immediate use for the money at that time, deffered drawing lile wanted, being the term upon which I received it, as the Sum is now appropriated for the Army Department the Bill mentioned for that use.
But perceiving by an abstract of warrants from the Accountant, the Receipts I gave for the Money has already been taken up, and paid the 20th of April, the Bill is only to be presented by Cockraw & Hursley for form and acknowledgement of pay and which I have so notifyed them.
I am very Respectly
Your Humble Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
The honorable
James McHenry
Secretary of War
Knoxville May 22nd 1799
I drew upon you the following dates for the following setes of Bills
May 13th William Fling payable to order at 30 days sight for 3000
15th James & William Parks ditte 1000
Patrick Campbell ditto 1507.76 5507.76
And shall draw in favor of
John W Hooker - for 15000.--
United States Factor 7,047.76
Which has been appropriated to paying the balance due James OHara Co and advanced money for the Treaty at Tellieo. The Bills was drawn at so long a sight, that the account of James OHara and a particular abstract of the bills drawn for might reach the accountant and they are forwarded by the Post.
I have also enclosed you Returns for Quarter Master Stores delivered for the month of April.
I am very Respy
Your Humb Servt
David Henley
Agent of War
the Honb
James McHenry
Secretary of War
Knoxville 25th May 1799
Your letter of the 20 Instanc I received at the moment. I was setting off for Marysville but thinking it might be of consequence for you to receive an answer to it, it is with pleasure I imbrace the opportunity by return of the part so te do.
At presnet I cannot accept your thirteen hundred Dollars, because I am not in the want of that sum for public account, two in a short time may be in the habit of drawing as the army is in Arrears.
For the claim of Col. Roberts you should have called on the Accountant with whom it is lodged on I believe W. Jackson is knowing to it, at last, if in mistake of mine has [undecipherable] in my mind, in respect to that business, thence you will find [undecipherable] accounts.
I wrote to Col. Hawkins by W. Machinun forward your papers, he being much engaged promises the particular answer in a short time, to that another paper sent to him at that particular period to which your demand applies -
I am Sir with Regard Your Humble Servant David Henley
Sir, Since I wrote the above I have received a letter from the Secy War, that puts it in any power to oblige you with a Bill, so that you may send me your Money - W John Chilaness
Knoxville May 29th 1799
Your letter of the 15th in it I received per Mr Steele, and regret that the evil Spirit as you say prevails in your nation
Plain sence I should think aught to teach the Indians to respect the property of their neighbours, for certainly if they do not, their Neghbours will not respect theirs, and if they do not leave of that vile and mean practice of stealing and plundering, all the plans of [undecipherable] for Government for their peace, and to make them happy will be frustrated.
What in the name of reason do they want. If horses, Surely you have land and range enough, and by a little call might raise horses enough for the use of the Nation, and a number to sell, this way of gaining them would be more honorable for the brave Cherokees.
Mr Morclin delivered me your return of Horses and I expect that all those will be delivered up, Or I shall write to the Secretary of War, and make a loud complaint against the People whom I have wrote well about and whom I have tryed to serve.
(35)[editors note: this last number in parenthesis is written in pencil]
you will do well to impress it upon their minds of the Chiefs and the Nation in general, the justice of thir demand.
I doubt not but you will be careful, both of public and private property and do all you can for the United States and your Nation
And am your Humble Servt David Henley Agent of War
Charles Hicks
Knoxville May 29th 1799
Your letters of the 5th 12th 19th April came to hand last post, all of which was irregular owing to some delention of the mail, there was in their enclosures many letters for the Nalchey Government, two of which was directed Governor Serjeant, and they was all in two days after received forwarded via Nashville to their destination Fort Massae, Wallnah hills, Chickasaw Bluff and to the Natchez Government
As far as the letters point Your instructions to me, I shall particularly attend to them and observe that they meek with due regard in all instances Monday the 27th Instant and Express from General Wilkinson as I was going to Tellico with a letter for you which I know forward as well as one from Mr Hockey.
All seems to be well in this quarter, excepting the Indians -The Cherokees have been more mischivous in Stealing Horses to restrain which I have sent an express unto the nation. And wrote to them in warm, anxious, but friendly terms, Expressive of the dissapprobation of the Government - Against such evil conduct I impute their excess of theft these some mouths to the absence of an agent amongst them, whose presence I am Confident was a check - upon their misconduct
As the Affairs of Europe appear to me to be rising to the highest importance, And in which this country may be involvede. I shall detain the Express from General Wilkinson tite the arrival of next Saturdays Mail - as possibly there may be some orders to him from the Executive I am wt Respect Hb David Henley Agent of War
The Houbl James McHenry Secretary of War
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Dear Sir
Your letter of the 20th [undecipherable]by the Express George Druger, with a Packet for the Secretary of War came safe to hand on Monday the 27 of May and the same I forwarded by post on the Thursday following, expect it will reach the Secretary of War in sixteen days. I detained the Express for several days to await the arrival of the Mail, expecting some things from Government for yourself. And in that reflection was not dissappointed, as the post brought a Packet of Newspapers directed to you, and another packet to you, or the affeir commanding in your absence as also a letter for the Officer Commanding at Chickasaw Bluff and a letter for John McKee esquire Agent to the Choctaws. They are all forwarded by this oppurtunity.
I have also sent the letter for Capt Thomas Pasturre Commanding at Fort Massae which is of Your [undecipherable] direction.
For News shall refer you to the public papers, and as it seems to
to be decided betwext France and America to draw their Swords. I hope good Conduct, Courage, and resources will give Our Country the victory over their enemies.
I am Dear Sir with respect your friend and humble Servant David Henley
On Monday the 27th May I forwarded via Nashville, Several packages, of newspapers, for you, letters for the officers, under your command and two for Governor Serjeund.
To General James Welkinson
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Therewith you will receive a packet containing Letters for the commanding officers at Head Quarters. And Sundry letters for Aeries persons, which please to forward with all possible dispatch.
I am with respect your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
To the Officer commanding at Fort Massack
P.S. I enclose you a receipt of George Druen for money he has received to pay the two assistants. Thirty dollars each.
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
George Druger being an express for General Welkinson, And now charged with several dispatches from the War Office, to the General, and to other public Officers; please to supply him with provisions, and what necessarys he may want to Fort Massac.
I am respectfully your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
To the Officer Commanding at Southwest Point
(42) [editor's note: this last number is penciled on the bottom of the page]
Knoxville June 2nd 1799
Dear Sir
George Druer your express having informed me that from some distemper by which his Horse was taken, oblidged him to get another, for which cause, he was short of money and requested an advance accordingly I have let him have fifty dollars for himself and sixty to pay the two hands with him and enclose you his receipts for the two sums.
I am respectfully Your Humble Servt David Henley
To General James Welkinson, or the officer with whom, George Druer may settle his accounts
(43) [editors note: this last number penciled in]
Knoxville 4th June 1799
Cochrans Waggon got safe to hand this place the 2nd Uttt and set off on his return with a load of Pettry the 2nd inst for Yaus City. The loading was delivered in good order. and Uu Stationary was a Supply, being so war out that I was oblidged to purchase a few Reams of rssapen.
When any loads are ordered to my care, You will facillitate the business by giving me early notice by post, that I may make arangements for discharging the loading, as it probable will often happen that part of the loading may be for this place, a Second part for Tellico And another division for Southwest Point. Which places are in different directions. Tellico thirty two miles, Southeast, and So West Point forty miles in a southwest direction.
I would also request your alteration to the packing the goods, the Roads are so rough and the length of the Journey so great that it requires Strong and two fold coverings to the Balez. The Coulars are injured by Chaffing
Your letter designed for the Introduction of the Revd Mr Buller I received by post and had done for that Gentileman all in my power both by facillitating and smothing his Journey as also to make his continuance in the Chickasaw Nation agreeable to himself, and the Natives. I wish you to find on for the use of the new Barracks now building at Tellico and Sou W. Point 50c putty C Bosees Windau Glass 8 by 10the Remainder of my memo will find you when Col Butter and myself shall determine the Articles and quanbly wantings - Also we are in great want of Sett of Armourers Foals.
I am Respectfuly Yr Humb Sert David Henley Agent of War
Samuel Hoagdon Esquire
Knoxville June 4th 1799
I now readily acknowledge your letter of the 5th April and forward you the Account of Col Elijah Robertson, which the extract of my letter to the Accountant to whom the Colonets Account was forwarded on the 18th October 1797 --
The Reasons for my not paying the Account; the charges are made unsupported by any authority from General Wayne or any paper from him to show they was done and possibly of both ordered and [undecipherable], the account may have been paid at the head Quarters of the Army.
I am with respect Your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
[undecipherable]Nathan Jones
Knoxville June 4th 1799
Agreeable to your instructions to me of the 12th April, I have this day drawn on you in favor of Thomas Humes for five hundred Dollars being for so much specu he paid into my hands to be appropriated to the use of Recruiting the fourth United States Regimt and having passed the same to the ludit of the Treasurer, request you to honor this Bill.
I am very Respectfully Your Humb Servant David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James McHenry Secretary of War Philiadelphia
Knoxville June 4th 1799
I received your letters of the 19th April & 13th of May, in respect to the first, I inform you for the present I have conversed with Capt Butler respecting the Memorandum of Claims due to certain Soldiers, and will settle them as you have pointed out.
To the latter my reply is that I had the opinion of Suit Chandler on Capt Bradley auount and have Settled it in justice.
By this oppurtunity I enclose you a copy of my entries in the public Books for the months of May.
I had the pleasure of seing your Brother a few days past, and he was well.
I am Sir Yr Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
William Simmons Esquire
Knoxville June 5th 1799
The many and serious complaints that have been made by the people on the Cumberland, And by travellers to the Country of the (Cherokees in particular) Stealing Horses induced me to send Mr. Zuekfield Maclin the 19th March (a person that has been in the service of MrHawkins) to that nation, and to the Creeks to prevent fulre injuries of the kind, And to collect as many Horses as he could that was stolen with a view to restore them to their owners
A Copy of my instructions to him and his answer, with a Report of the number of Horses he found to be in the defferent Towns, puncissaly from information but some few from his own knowledge, being an eye witness to some that were his neighbors, I now enclose,
He returned unfortunately without bringing one of those Horses tho the expense of his going was considerable, and may of the Chiefs Confessed to him those thefts had been comitted by their people, their councils and their exertions they promised should be made to recover them.
But from further information I have gained, may of the Horses have been taken off to Georgia and else where, and I believe but few will ever be returned.
[51] [editor's note: this last number and brackets appears in pencil]
The Stealing of those Horses is a cause of much evil and differently, it seems to be the Chief complaint of the People against the Indians. And it is a complaint that I must make against some of the people, for when any Horses are delivered up by the Indians, it is with difficulty they can be kept, for as soon as they are let into a Range, or even in a field many of them are stolen by the Whites, and often when the Indians bring them, they have been so hardly used, that the expence of keeping them then months is greater than them Caleu
It is apart of the Indian Business that gives me more trouble than all the rest, Nor do I know how to proceed or advise to remedy it..
But I am of the opinion, that the justice due to the people, that have lost their Horses, should induce Government to stop the Annuity from being dirlered, any part of it till the Stolen property is returned, And such a measure of Government, would convence the people that their
Complaints at this time was attended to, and I believe have a good effect upon the minds of the Indians, but I submit my oppinion to your Judgement.
I received by the last post a packet adressed to him, or the Officer Commanding in his absence, - both of which as well as a letter to John McKee esquire, And some other to the Officers in the Natchez Territory under your Cover. I forwarded by George Dryer the General's Express - whom I delained a few days for the Arrival of the Mail, He went by water on Sunday the 2nd Instant.
You will also receive by this conveyance the Return for Quarter Master shores delivered the month of May. Col Butler being at this place - I suppose we shall we shall make such arrangements as you have directed for delivering the Stores quarterly or hay yearly.
I am Respectfully yr Humb Sert David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James M Henry
Knoxville June 5th 1799
The demand of Col Butler on me for Stores, such as nails, carpenters tools, and for the use of the Barracks at the Garrisons of South West Point and Tellico oblidges me to draw on you in favor of Josiah Siehol, or order payable after ten days sight for which value has been received partly in Nails and tools, and the balance in Speice, to the amount of five hundred dollars. Which Sum is appropriated to the Quarter Master Department, and having the amount of this Bill passed to the Credit of the Treasurer Request your opprobation to the Same
I am Respectfully Your Humb Servt David Henley Agent of War
The honorable James M Henry Secretary of War
[55] [editor's note: this last number and brackets written in pencil]
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (3 pages) | ZWL04 (3 pages) | Collection: Letters Sent by David Henley, Agent of the War Department, May 1, 1799-May 7, 1800. (RG217) | [unknown] |
[view document] (3 pages) | ZWL01a (26 pages) | Collection: Letters Sent by David Henley, Agent of the War Department, May 1, 1799-May 7, 1800. (RG217) | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | David Henley | Knoxville | [n/a] |
Recipient | William Simmons | [unknown] | [n/a] |