Measures to be Taken without Delay



Autograph Draft Document


Measures to be Taken without Delay


This is a list of eight measures to be taken immediately in the event of an invasion of the United States by a large army. Among sundry matters, It discusses an academy for military and naval instruction, the raising of a corps of non-commissioned officers and privates, a draft of the militia, a naval force of six ships, the raising of money, and the amount of needed revenue.


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Neither author is recipient is shown but, based on the content, the author is probably Alexander Hamilton,.

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[Alexander Hamilton]

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[view document] (3 pages) PDC10 (3 pages) Collection: Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers, MSS. V: 7, P: 51

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Alexander Hamilton [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Unknown Recipient [unknown] [n/a]