Thousand Are Dead Around Me
Author's Letterbook Copy
Thousand Are Dead Around Me
Along with several supply matters, Hodgdon discusses the havoc that the fever has caused in Philadelphia, resulting in thousands of deaths.
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Isaac Craig
Samuel Hodgdon
poor Banger
Jacob Death's father-in-law
Quartermaster General
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advances in favor of poor Hamilton
barrels for Williams
notable phrase
I am alive, blessed be God, when thousands are dead around me.
Nearly three thousand of our citizens have fallen victim to the plague.
Nearly three thousand of our citizens have fallen victim to the plague.
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Philada 5th October 1798
Dear Sir
Yours of 28th ultimo is before me, I am alive, blessed be God, when thousands are dead around me. I hope I shall live thankful for my preservation calls for all my gratitude. I thank you for your anxious solicitude for me and my family all are well, never better at the same season of the year. My Clerk poor Banger, has been severely aflicted, but has shot the gulph and is recovering. Jacob Death's Father in law was present when I opened your letter. I gave him the one enclosed for him. I shall attend to your last advances in favour of poor Hamilton. I am sorry for the disappointment of the Case, but shall certainly call on those who settle Hamiltons affairs to make it good I will in all events purchase another and send it forward for the Q M Genl. The Barrels for Williams will be received here and delivered to his order. It is with sincere pleasure I can announce that the fever is declining, but it has made awful havoc since I last wrote to you. One Hundred and Six persons were consigned to that land from whose bourne no traveller returns within twenty four hours - nearly three Thousand of our Citizens have fallen victims to the Plague - such seens I have never before witnessed - God grant I never may again - humanity - Pity - Compassion, and all the fine feelings have been on the tenter hooks many weeks, but enough I forbear -
I am Sir your most Obedt Servant
Saml Hodgdon
Major Isaac Craig
Dear Sir
Yours of 28th ultimo is before me, I am alive, blessed be God, when thousands are dead around me. I hope I shall live thankful for my preservation calls for all my gratitude. I thank you for your anxious solicitude for me and my family all are well, never better at the same season of the year. My Clerk poor Banger, has been severely aflicted, but has shot the gulph and is recovering. Jacob Death's Father in law was present when I opened your letter. I gave him the one enclosed for him. I shall attend to your last advances in favour of poor Hamilton. I am sorry for the disappointment of the Case, but shall certainly call on those who settle Hamiltons affairs to make it good I will in all events purchase another and send it forward for the Q M Genl. The Barrels for Williams will be received here and delivered to his order. It is with sincere pleasure I can announce that the fever is declining, but it has made awful havoc since I last wrote to you. One Hundred and Six persons were consigned to that land from whose bourne no traveller returns within twenty four hours - nearly three Thousand of our Citizens have fallen victims to the Plague - such seens I have never before witnessed - God grant I never may again - humanity - Pity - Compassion, and all the fine feelings have been on the tenter hooks many weeks, but enough I forbear -
I am Sir your most Obedt Servant
Saml Hodgdon
Major Isaac Craig
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (560 pages) | BJA01 (560 pages) | Collection: Samuel Hodgdon Letterbook, Philadelphia, Pa., Arsenal, 1798-99. | P: 241 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Samuel Hodgdon | Philadelphia | [n/a] |
Recipient | Isaac Craig | [unknown] | [n/a] |