Contract between Wolcott and Jonathan Nichols Jr. for manufacture of muskets



Printed Document Signed


Contract between Wolcott and Jonathan Nichols Jr. for manufacture of muskets


Articles of agreement between Wolcott and Nichols to produce 1000 stands of arms or muskets complete with bayonets and ramrods, fit for service and to be delivered at Albany New York.

year created


month created


day created


secondary author

secondary recipient

sent to location

Middlebury Vermont

in image

author note

John Habershan; Johnathan Nichos Jr.

notable person/group

Oliver Wolcott
Jonathan Nichols

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

black walnut

document number



September 7th 1798
Jonathan Nichols with United States } Cont.t
for manufacturing 1000 muskets
655 stands paid for 22 Feby 1802.
Recorded in Contract B page 174
Comptrollers Office
Recorded in Contract Book No. 3 page 45
Jon. Nichols Contract, 1798
Articles of Agreement made on the Seventh Day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Eight, between OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, of the one part, and Jonathan Nichols Jn.r [Junior] of Middlebury in the State of Vermont of the other part.
FIRST. THE said Jonathan Nichols Jnr. contracts and engages to manufacture within the United States, and deliver to such person or persons as shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of War, for the time being One Thousand stands of Arms, or Muskets, with Bayonets and Ramrods complete and fit for service -- One third of the whole number to be delivered within eight months -- One other third within fourteen months, and the remaining third with eighteen months from the date of these presents.
SECOND. The said Arms shall be delivered at Albany in the State of New York and shall be made after the Charleville model. The Barrels shall be proved and the Muskets inspected agreeably to the rules now practiced and required by the United States; the Locks shall be duly hardened; the Ramrods and Bayonets shall be properly tempered; and the Mountings, Stocks, and every other particular shall be finished in a workman-like manner, in all parts precisely, or as near as possible, conformably to two patterns, which have been marked and sealed by the contracting parties to this Instrument; one of which patterns, the party of the second part hereby acknowledges to have received.
THIRD. The Barrels shall be proved, and the Muskets inspected at Middlebury aforesaid by a person or persons to be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of War. When due notice shall have been received by the party of the first part, that One Hundred Barrels are ready for the test; the proof shall commence, on like notice that a further number of Two Hundred Barrels are ready, the same shall also be proved; after which the United States shall not be required to prove less than Three Hundred & Fifty Barrels at one time. The wages of the Inspector; the expense of powder and ball; and all other expences attending the proving and inspecting shall be borne by the United States.
FOURTH. The Stocks of the Muskets shall be made of well seasoned black walnut timber, when the same can be procured by the Contractor, otherwise, of well seasoned, rough maple timber; or the United States shall cause to be delivered, at Philadelphia, to the party of the second part, if the same shall be required, one thousand well seasoned black walnut stocks in the rough, as they have been usually received into the public stores, at the rate of twenty-five cents each.
FIFTH. The party of the first part, contracts for and on behalf of the United States to pay or allow in settlement, Thirteen Dollars and Forty Cents, for each and every of the Stands of Arms which shall be manufactured according to the pattern, and delivered after proof and inspection as aforesaid.
In witness whereof the said Secretary of the Treasury on behalf of the United States, hath hereunto subscribed his hand and affixed the Seal of the Treasury; and the said Jonathan Nichols hath hereto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written.
[Seal appended] Oliver Wolcott Secy of the Treasy
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of } Moses Strong [and] Nathn Brush [signatures]
[signature] Jontn Nichols Jnr[Seal]

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) XQC07 (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B:520
[view document] (3 pages) XQC07a (3 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B:520

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Oliver Wolcott [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Jonathan Nichols Middlebury Vermont [n/a]