An Appointment for Captain Hamilton



Autograph Letter Signed


An Appointment for Captain Hamilton


Alexander Hamilton seeks Stoddert's cooperation in the appointment of Captain Robert Hamilton to a position on board a frigate of the United States. Captain Talbot seems uncertain about his own status but once that is resolved in his favor, any impediment to the appointment of Captain Hamilton should be removed.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

New York


in image

notable person/group

Benjamin Stoddert, Secretary of the Navy
Alexander Hamilton
Captain Robert Hamilton
Captain Talbot

notable location

New York

notable item/thing

command of the frigate
perfect convenience and propriety

document number


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number of pages



New York [in pencil: 331]
29 Aug. 1798
Alexr Hamilton
Capt Hamilton

[in pencil: NN- Hamilton, Robert]
New York Aug 29. 1798
Dear Sir
Your obliging letter of the 24 instant only came to hand. The very polite ground on which you give me to expect your cooperation in procuring an appointment for Capt Hamilton has a very strong claim to my acknowlege -ment.
In consequence of the inti- mation of your letter, I have seen Capt Talbot -- He seems to expect an official notification from your department to ascertain and fix his own situation -- considering the the events subsequent to his original appointment as a kind of supersedeas [?] -- The want of this makes him diffident about taking any part on the presumption of tha his command of the frigate here. This impediment removed, I am in hope he will incline to favour my wish for an appointment of Capt H-- to that frigate, if it can be done with perfect convenience & propriety; otherwise we shall be completely satisfied with the alternative which you suggest.
Accept my cordial thanks & the assurances of the sincere affec. & regard with which I have the honor to be
Yr obed Servant
[signature cut out or obscured; Alexander Hamilton pencilled next to this in another hand]
B Stoddert Esq

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) XJW21 (3 pages) Collection: Subject File of the Naval Records Collection NN
[view document] (2 pages) XJW21a (2 pages) Collection: Subject File of the Naval Records Collection NN
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: The Papers of Alexander Hamilton [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Alexander Hamilton New York [n/a]
Recipient Benjamin Stoddert [unknown] [n/a]