Recommends Captain Robert Hamilton as Naval Lieutenant
Autograph Letter Signed
Recommends Captain Robert Hamilton as Naval Lieutenant
Alexander Hamilton recommends his first cousin, Robert Hamilton, as a Navy Lieutenant, with experience at sea in the West Indies since the age of 14. Alexander Hamilton considers the appointment "a peripheral favour to myself."
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
New York
in collection
recipient note
Secretary of the Marines.
notable person/group
Alexander Hamilton
William W. Burrows
Robert Hamilton
notable location
New York
notable idea/issue
Naval Appointment
document number
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[in pencil? 65]
Dear Sir,
Capt Robert Hamilton, a first cousin of mine, is desirous of entering into our naval force. He is regularly bred to the sea which he has followed since he was fourteen years old. His opportunities have been of the best, among others that of voyages to the East Indies. I feel myself warranted in recommending him as an able well informed seaman -- who adds to this qualification the sentiments of a Gentleman and a good moral character, intelligence and prudence. I verily believe he will be an acquisition to our navy -- and as I feel myself extremely interested in his success I shall esteem his appointment a personal favour to myself. He is now about thirty years of age.
Were it not that he is a foreigner I should think myself warranted to solicit for him the Commission of Captain, but under this disadvantage I ask for him that of full lieutenant. Being on the point of departing for a journey I can add no more than the repetition of a strong wish that he may be able to obtain this appointment. With great respect & aftn I have the honor to be
Yr Obedt
A Hamilton
N York Ag 8 1794
[postscript to the left of the text above:]
It is his intention to settle in the Country & become naturalized as soon as our laws permiting
[address written sideways, in another hand]
N York 8 Aug 1798 531
Alexander Hamilton,
Capt Robt Hamilton
for a Lieutenancy in
The Secretary of the Marine
Dear Sir,
Capt Robert Hamilton, a first cousin of mine, is desirous of entering into our naval force. He is regularly bred to the sea which he has followed since he was fourteen years old. His opportunities have been of the best, among others that of voyages to the East Indies. I feel myself warranted in recommending him as an able well informed seaman -- who adds to this qualification the sentiments of a Gentleman and a good moral character, intelligence and prudence. I verily believe he will be an acquisition to our navy -- and as I feel myself extremely interested in his success I shall esteem his appointment a personal favour to myself. He is now about thirty years of age.
Were it not that he is a foreigner I should think myself warranted to solicit for him the Commission of Captain, but under this disadvantage I ask for him that of full lieutenant. Being on the point of departing for a journey I can add no more than the repetition of a strong wish that he may be able to obtain this appointment. With great respect & aftn I have the honor to be
Yr Obedt
A Hamilton
N York Ag 8 1794
[postscript to the left of the text above:]
It is his intention to settle in the Country & become naturalized as soon as our laws permiting
[address written sideways, in another hand]
N York 8 Aug 1798 531
Alexander Hamilton,
Capt Robt Hamilton
for a Lieutenancy in
The Secretary of the Marine
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (2 pages) | XJW19 (2 pages) | Collection: Subject File of the Naval Records Collection | NN |
[view document] (2 pages) | XJW19a (2 pages) | Collection: Subject File of the Naval Records Collection | NN |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Alexander Hamilton | New York | [n/a] |
Recipient | Benjamin Stoddert | [unknown] | [n/a] |