New Mode of Casting Shot, Etc.



Author's Letterbook Copy


New Mode of Casting Shot, Etc.


Among other matters, Hodgdon discusses a new mode of casting shot which results in an even surface and greater precision in weight. Hodgdon doubts whether this new method actually produces better shot since that produced by the old method was very effective in battering works and killing men.

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Ebenezer Stevens
Samuel Hodgdon
Secretary of War

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contract price of shot
three to 32 pounders
new mode of casting
iron moulds
English eight inch howitzers
foul weather

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Philadelphia the 13 July 1798
I have received your letter of the 14th instant. The last Contract price of shot embracing every size from three to thirty two pounders is twenty five pounds this Currency equal to sixty-six Dollars and two thirds a ton--since then a new mode of casting shot has been adopted, they are now cast in Iron moulds and from the Pigs and come at twenty seven pounds ten Shillings__The advantages of this mode are said to be, that every shot comes perfectly round and with an even surface and weights to a fraction is intended weight but I confess these circumstances if true, do not in my mind determine the necessity of being minutely followed. The shot, made in former times would batter works and kill men, These now made can not do more, and where it is considered that not one shot in ten on an average do execution I think more accuracy in the former mode of casting is all that is wanting. The conclusion of the whole is you ought have your shot at £25 a ton. Shells have not for a long time past been contracted for the last I have any knowledge of was at forty five Pounds a ton, but I think they may now be afforded for One hundred Dollars, perhaps less I will endeavour to inform myself and you further on this particular__The Secretary of War is absent. I will order the two English eight inch Howitzers to be forwarded to you for the purpose you mention, they certainly will be more useful in your Fort than where they are at present, and being there they will be fitted for any future service that may be deemed more important__I will also send you two Flags we have some makeing__those the dimensions of fifteen hoist and thirty three feet fly made for foul weather and night flags will I trust to answer your purposes if not let me know the dimensions that will do better.____
I am Sir
Your Most Obedt. Servant
Samuel Hodgdon
Colonel E Stevens

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (560 pages) BJA01 (560 pages) Collection: Samuel Hodgdon Letterbook, Philadelphia, Pa., Arsenal, 1798-99. P:149

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Samuel Hodgdon Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient Ebenezer Stevens [unknown] [n/a]