Papers Related to Sundry Accounts
Author's Letterbook Copy
Papers Related to Sundry Accounts
Hodgdon provides a detailed explanation of three papers submitted by Mr. Glen relating to sundry accounts.
year created
month created
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sent from location
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notable person/group
James McHenry
Samuel Hodgdon
Mr. Glen
Michael Tyms [?]
detachment of troops
Lt. [Peter A.] Dransy
James Peters
Lt. [Nanning] Vischer
notable location
West Point
notable item/thing
transportation of baggage
ceertificate of Lt. Glen's boatmen
detention by the officers
passage from Schenectady to Niagara
York currency
lockages of the falls
expense at the carrying place
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Philadelphia 11th July 1798
I have examined the papers handed you by Mr Glen and herewith return them, with the following remarks. Paper No 1 is Michael Tyms account for the support of a Detachment of Troops composed of thirty two Men on their march from West Point to Niagara as certified by Lieutenant P. A. Deausy and which appears to be unpaid. Amount Dollars 318.61 Cts. No2 is James Peters account amounting to thirty Dollars for transportation of Baggage and Lime and is certified by Lieutenant Visscher ~~ No3 is a Certificate of Lieutenant Glen's for extra pay which he says ought to be allowed Six Boatmen for detention by the Officers while on their passage from Schenectady to Niagara at the rate of twenty four Pounds York Currency equal to Sixty Dollars ~ these appear to be the whole amount called for by the Documents produced and together make the Sum of Seven hundred and eight Dollars and sixty one Cents .. to this MrGlen adds the transportation of Clothing and the Lockages of the Falls, and their expense at the Carrying Place to make up the round Sum of Seven hundred and fifty Dollars for which he requests a warrant~
I am,
Your most Obedient Servant
Samuel Hodgdon
James McHenry Esq
Secretary of War.
Philadelphia 11th July 1798
I have examined the papers handed you by Mr Glen and herewith return them, with the following remarks. Paper No 1 is Michael Tyms account for the support of a Detachment of Troops composed of thirty two Men on their march from West Point to Niagara as certified by Lieutenant P. A. Deausy and which appears to be unpaid. Amount Dollars 318.61 Cts. No2 is James Peters account amounting to thirty Dollars for transportation of Baggage and Lime and is certified by Lieutenant Visscher ~~ No3 is a Certificate of Lieutenant Glen's for extra pay which he says ought to be allowed Six Boatmen for detention by the Officers while on their passage from Schenectady to Niagara at the rate of twenty four Pounds York Currency equal to Sixty Dollars ~ these appear to be the whole amount called for by the Documents produced and together make the Sum of Seven hundred and eight Dollars and sixty one Cents .. to this MrGlen adds the transportation of Clothing and the Lockages of the Falls, and their expense at the Carrying Place to make up the round Sum of Seven hundred and fifty Dollars for which he requests a warrant~
I am,
Your most Obedient Servant
Samuel Hodgdon
James McHenry Esq
Secretary of War.
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (560 pages) | BJA01 (560 pages) | Collection: Samuel Hodgdon Letterbook, Philadelphia, Pa., Arsenal, 1798-99. | P:147 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Samuel Hodgdon | Philadelphia | [n/a] |
Recipient | James McHenry | [unknown] | [n/a] |