Secretary at War directs the conduct of Indian affairs with Chapin



Letter Signed


Secretary at War directs the conduct of Indian affairs with Chapin


Letter, the Secretary discusses terms of Treaty at Canandaigua in 1794; directs distribution of Indian money.

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Ltr, dir distribution of Indian money.

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War Department


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Captain Israel Chapin, Jr
James McHenry

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War Department

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Oneidas have requested in particular to furnished with oxen
provide them out of their part of the stipend according to their wish
Tuscaroras have desired some implements of husbandry
Stockbridge Indians are to have their part of the stipend paid wholly in money
vested in goods and sent to you to be distributed
limit your expenditures to the sum provided by treaty
contract on your return home for a gristmill for the Oneidas
completing their church
immediate benefits of the mill
implements of husbandry, oxen, and utensils suitable to their circumstances
compensating useful artificers who shall reside with or near them and be employed for their benefit
purveyor of public supplies
dollars which you will distribute to the indians intitled to receive the same under the Treaty of Konondaigua

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[view document] (1 pages) AEM04 (1 pages) Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection V: 13, P: 4

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author James McHenry War Department [n/a]
Recipient Israel Chapin Jr [unknown] [n/a]