Waste Book of the Agent for the War Department



Autograph Letter Signed


Waste Book of the Agent for the War Department


Hillis encloses a copy of the Waste Book [daily diary of all transactions in chronological order] of the Agent for the War Department for the month of October 1797.

year created


month created


day created


sent from location



sent to location

Department of War

in image

notable person/group

William Simmons, Accountant
Stephen Hillis, Agent
Colonel Landon Carter
the Treasurerer
Nicholas Tait Perkins
John Overton
Joseph Greer, Attorney
William Hall
Thomas Gallagher
Captain Harrison's Company
Joseph Bowman
Quartermaster's Department
Captain Thomas Butler
James Richardson
George Roulstone
frontier people
Major Robert McFarlane
Peter King of Captain Carson's Company
John Miller
Captain Van Renselair's Troop
James Cunningham
George Ewing
Captain McGaughey's Company
James Kerr
Captain Harrison's Company
John Green
James Ore
Alexander Simirall
James Dickerson
Lewis Tiner, Clerk
Andrew Russell
Captain Joseph Cole's Company
Robert Willson
Joseph Manning
Joseph Ferguson
Captain Evans' Company
Martin Friley
Captain Williams' Company
George Turnley
James Ferguson
Captain Taylor's Company
William Jared
Samuel Bogle
Samuel Ware
Maxwell and John Moore
detachment of Commissioners' escorts
Jeremiah and Richard Friar
Captain John Wade's Company
Benjamin Hawkins
James Byers
Commissioners running the line as agreed to by the Nation [Cherokees}
John Overton
Isaac Klotz
David Henley
Captain S[parks' Company
William Tipton
Robert Rankin
Captain James Richardson's Company
James Cochran
Captain Evans' Company
Michael Sweetman
Captain McCormick's Company
Joseph Shadden
Jasper Vaught, artist to the Cherokees
Henry Lawry
Captain John Beard's Company
John Wood
Miles Cunningham
Captain Anderson Walker's Company
William McNutt
Edmund King
Captain Robert King
John Watson
Lieutenant William Henderson's Company
Robert Morrow
Captain Carson's Company
Joseph Terralt
Lieutenant Abraham Stover's command
Stephen Cantrill
Bezaleel Weir
Solomon Geron
Keet-Las-Keen-Naskee, a Cherokee
Chookee, a Cherokee
Tai-Res-Kee, a Cherokee
John Harmon
John Bird
Thomas Milligan

notable location

Department of War
Mero District
West Point
store at Tellico

notable item/thing

Waste Book
Sevier's Expedition
contingent expense
ferrying 21 men and horses over the River Clinch
600 addresses
200 permits
oil and tallow
removing the block house from the court to the barrack yard
lead and powder
Cherokee annual stipend
load of clothing
broad axes
barrel of tar
Indian Department
sash plains
horses stolen by white people
grindstone for Major Peters' camp

document number


page start


number of pages


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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (14 pages) YXE20a (14 pages) Collection: Claims Files Relating to Service in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1851. (RG217) Hillis, Stephen
[view document] (15 pages) YXE20 (15 pages) Collection: Claims Files Relating to Service in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1851. (RG217) Hillis, Stephen

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Stephen Hillis Knoxville [n/a]
Recipient William Simmons Department of War [n/a]