Discussion of Shipyard, Masts & Yardarms for Frigate, & Algerian Frigate



Autograph Letter Signed


Discussion of Shipyard, Masts & Yardarms for Frigate, & Algerian Frigate


Letter, discusses blocks at yard; discusses masts and yard arms re Frigate; discusses dimensions of Frigate; advises re receiving iron; mentions Algerian Frigate.

short description

Letter, des dimensions of Frigate masts

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notable person/group

Josiah Fox
Thomas Thompson

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notable item/thing

dimensions proposed
names of masts
main mast
main topmast
fore topmast
fore mast
main yards
mizen mast length in proportion
crop jack yard
main top gall mast
fore top galant
in your dimensions the foremast will look very short & small to the main mast
above is according to my mind
erroneous in the length of the topsail yard arms
denied the use of the smith shop
intention was to accommodate us
old public yard
Algerian Frigate
not worth troubling the Secretary with these trifling matters
perform this duty
difference between fore mast & main mast very great
have my proportions accordingly
abide by those from the War office
wish you had described the long boat
lengthen the mast heads preserving the same dimensions
alteration in the masts
interest of the business
trusty person should be employed to receive all the iron
yards are in hand
length of the topsail yard arms seems very much out of proportion for scanty
lower yard arms are short
heads of masts are also short
your favour
covering your statement of blocks to which I shall strictly conform
do not like the mode
duble blocks is what I should prefer to practice
blocks on hand
sizes all agree
dead eyes which I wish to have first done
naval construction

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (7 pages) BBV04 (7 pages) Collection: Josiah Fox Papers [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) BBh17 (0 pages) Collection: Josiah Fox (1763 - 1847) Letterbook Papers. Reel #5 Series 1 Naval Architecture Shipbuilding Papers [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: Josiah Fox Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Captain Thomas Thompson Portsmouth [n/a]
Recipient Josiah Fox Philadelphia [n/a]