Indians Have Received More than Their Share, Etc.



Autograph Letter Signed


Indians Have Received More than Their Share, Etc.


In a discussion of many other matters, Houdin regrets the mistake that was not his own but resulted in the Indians receiving more than their share of supplies. He is certain that he is not expected to pay his expenses out of his poor salary.

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in image

notable person/group

Samuel Hodgdon
Michael G. Houdin
Captain Knox
General Israel Chapin
Israel Chapin
Major William Kersey
Major William Peters
sail maker
Mr. Henderson and co
James McHenry
General Philip Schuyler
Bank of Albany
Captain Fleming
Mrs. Hodgdon

notable location

War Office

notable item/thing

musket balls

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Letter from Mr Hou
din - 25<sup>th</sup> September
[undecipherable] Octo -
Albany, 25<sup>th</sup>... 7<sup>Bev</sup>...1796.<br />
Sir.<br />
Through mistake I have mentioned in my last to you that I did not know nothing about the order from the war office 10th of June year 1974. That order has been been fully complied with as you will see by the duplicate of the voucher here enclosed having sending one already at that time for the same quantity of the stores for the indians. My letter to col Knox mentioned even that having no lead I was obliged to send the same weight of musket balls taken out of the cartridge braces. Notwithstanding the voucher I can prove it by the col Chapin, as he has read since, but by his son of course, I do not consider myself as guilty of any neglect on that score. I am only sorry that the Indians had received more than their share through the mistake, which is the first I have made since my residence in Albany upward four years.<br />
In my seal, sir are enfolded thirty five pounds for my salary for July, August, and Sept. Knowing not the sum of that I should be in want to complete the business fully and without delay, having drawn on more than it was necessary I thought it not improper to retain my salary, the time been nearly expired and send you the voucher for it appears to me to be the same thing to you, and it came very <ins>apropos</ins> to me.<br />
You will find likewise sir in the same seal fourteen pound, two shillings and five pences for major Kerley’s and Peters. I must explain that. The sails maker’s all eights sec... is £11… 4…9 only. Together with m. Hevendon N.C. acct of 2-17-8 make the sum of 14...2...5 as both accts. embrace the same expenses.<br />
Another observation that I ought to make sir, Is this. I do not presume that the hon.<sup>ble</sup> the Secretary of War’s intention and your’s are that I should pay my expences from my poor salary going backward and forward on public business therefore, I have enclosed them in them in my account, that. As to vouchers for the same I have none, unless I take receipt from the inns keepers for every dinner, super, or anything whatever necessary for life, I do not engross my expences and I flatter myself that my word will be sufficient for that.<br />
Now, Sir respecting the discount for the money drawned out of the bank, you know I daresay as well as I do that to be customeray, in consequence, it the expences are public, the discount ought to be also.<br />
Col Schuyles has requested me, sir, to mention that in future, when any expences of this nature should happen’d, the best way would be to send me [undecipherable] check on this Bank of Albany, or an order on some March 18th for such such sum, or sums of money that may be wanted, then send [strike out] a post note to one for demands after receiving and examining the vouchers he likewise observed that he has no reason for advancing to the public, & Wishes not to do it in future.<br />
I have received a letter from Col Fleming in which he mention that a detachment of troops is on his way to Osuego, they may come as soon as they will I am ready for them, all the tools wanted for the artificers, I have already purchased and shall do my end <s>and</s> vow.
not to detain them no longer then they ought to stay, but rather dispatch them as soon as it will be in my power, as the season much advanced admit of no delay. -

I do not know of any thing else to inform you at the present. please to give my best respects to Mistress Hodgdon. My sincere wishes attends you all for your well fare in every respect and believe me with the sentiments of a real esteem.


Your most obedient and humble servant

M.<sup>l</sup> G.<sup>l</sup>houdin

P.S. the 1<sup>st</sup> order for powder leads & flints has been issued on the 22<sup>d</sup>.. of dec<sup>B</sup>.. 1793, & complied with on the 10<sup>th</sup>.. of Jan<sup>y</sup>..1794.. the other dated June 14<sup>th</sup>..1794, has been [undecipherable] complied with, which I very well or collect, with this difference, that Cap.<sup>t</sup> Chapin has Bought the lead himself, but you may reste dure sir, that both orders, has been punctually executed, & the articles transmitted.........See the Vouchers. -

Sam.<sup>l</sup> hodgon Esq.Superintend.</sup>t</sup> [undecipherable]

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (4 pages) ZOT22 (4 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B: 5
[view document] (4 pages) ZOT22a (4 pages) Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) B: 5

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Michael G. Houdin [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Hodgdon [unknown] [n/a]