Seeking Appointment as the Consul to the Colony of Santa Domingo



Autograph Letter Signed


Seeking Appointment as the Consul to the Colony of Santa Domingo


Folger requests McHenry's recommendation that he be appointed the Consul of the South Colony of Santa Domingo.

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Aux Cayes


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Cited in Folger to McHenry, 11/03/1796.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

James McHenry
Fred Folger

notable location

Aux Cayes
St. Domingo
United States

notable phrase

use the utmost of my powers to preserve and protect the honor and interest of my country
aid and comfort our citizens
justice shall be rendered to them in all respects
sincere wishes for your health and prosperity
american agents that occasionally reside here as well as the masters of vessels
experience much inconvenience for want of a consal
defend them from impositions and various vexations that frequently arrive
transient persons
departments of state
take the liberty to solicit your interest in my favor
think me competent to the duties and trust of such appointment
congratulate you on the deserved exaltation of your character
repeated marks of the confidence of the President of the United States
head of an important department of state
patriotism, experience and ability will enable to fill with honour to yourself
insure the approbation of your country
full and uninterrupted enjoyment of these blessings
none can wish you more sincerely than your president
capitol of the south colony of St. Domingo
learned by the public papers that you have been appointed Secretary at War of the United States

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (13 pages) BRC11 (13 pages) Collection: James McHenry Papers B: 2, 8
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: James McHenry Papers B: 2, 8
[view document] (0 pages) KFA08 (0 pages) Collection: Robert Oliver Papers [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: James McHenry Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Frederick Folger Aux Cayes [n/a]
Recipient James McHenry [unknown] [n/a]