Secretary at War directs the conduct of Indian affairs with Chapin



Letter Signed


Secretary at War directs the conduct of Indian affairs with Chapin


Letter, directs expenditures for Indian affairs; describes 6th Article of Treaty of 1794; directs Indian goods furnished for annuity; mentions Indian department.

short description

Ltr, dir expenditures re Indian affairs

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War Office


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notable person/group

Captain Israel Chapin, Jr
James McHenry
[General] Israel Chapin

notable location

War Office
United States

notable item/thing

depart so far from it as may be absolutely necessary to preserve the friendship of important chiefs and relieve distressed individuals
use of the Indian department
certificates of respectable witnesses of the deliveries
supplies to be furnished the indians should not exceed the annuity
regular compensation of the departments of government
every transaction should be made with due form
observe that for all sums and effects you receive you must credit the United States
debit the United States noticing the cause of such deliveries
take receipts for the articles and sums
quantity of goods of the value of ten thousand dollars
view to promote the future welfare of the Six Nations
add the sum
article ratified by the president
dollars which shall be expended yearly forever in purchasing cloathing, domestic animals, implements of husbandry and other utensils fitted to their circumstances and in compensating useful artificers who shall reside with or near them and be employed for their benefits
immediate application of the whole annual allowance now stipulated to be made to the Superintendant appointed by the president for the affairs of the Six Nations
estimate of the sums that it may require to pay the blacksmiths and schoolmasters' bills
enable you to see at one view what will remain of the annuity for the purchase or payment of the other articles stipulated for by the treaty
keeping your accounts
pay respect to the following instructions given to the former deputy temporary agent Israel Chapin
humanity and kindness
contribute to their comfortable support
render the peace and friendship hereby established strong and perpetual
Indians of the Six Nations residing among and united with them
consideration of the peace and friendship hereby established
engagements entered into by the Six Nations
changes which have taken place in affairs that affect the indians in your department
observe more economy in expenditures heretofore found necessary under different circumstances
confine for the time to come the amount of their supplies to their annuities
govern yourself by the 6th article of the Treaty of 1794

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[view document] (3 pages) AEL02 (3 pages) Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection V: 12, P: 8

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author James McHenry War Office [n/a]
Recipient Israel Chapin Jr [unknown] [n/a]