Master of a Trade House to Serve the Indians of the Southwestern Territory



Document Signed


Master of a Trade House to Serve the Indians of the Southwestern Territory


Secretary Pickering appoints James Byers as the factor of a trading house in the Southwestern Territory, which has been established by Congress as the second of two experimental trading posts set up to supply the Indians with goods. Sets forth instructions on the running of the post, covering pricing, the objective of maintaining friendship with the Indians, medium of exchange (money or peltries [pelts] only), whom to contact in the local office of Indian Affairs, stance on credit for Indians, recommendations of assistants and the local military commander, recommendations for the location, the keeping of military stores at the post, accounting for the living expenses of the factor [Byers] & his assistants, the replacement of goods out of stock, the (reluctant) inclusion of rum in the goods to be furnished to the post, proper record-keeping, and the necessity of keeping on good terms with the Indians. The instructions appear identical to those presented to the factor of the other new trading post, in Georgia.

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War Office


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Factor at Tellico

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DEII Candidacy: these elaborate instructions for the Indian trade give much insight into the practices and opinions regarding Indians in early federal policy. (Note: the instructions appear identical to those given to Edward Price on the same date, so _both_ need not be upgraded to DEII).

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James Byers
Timothy Pickering

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Southwest Territory
War Office

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[view document] (157 pages) IDD03 (157 pages) Collection: John Adams Papers R: 384

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Timothy Pickering War Office [n/a]
Recipient James Byers Factor at Tellico [n/a]